Egg Sales in Illinois

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Generally speaking, there are two ways an egg producer can sell their flock’s eggs in Illinois. Under Illinois law, producers can sell eggs produced by their own flock directly to household consumers for their personal use without a license or inspection if the eggs are sold directly from the premises where the eggs are produced. If, however you wish to …

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Ask Ruth: Egg Sales in Illinois

Cari RinckerFood & Ag Law

Generally speaking, there are two ways an egg producer can sell their flock’s eggs in Illinois. Under Illinois law, producers can sell eggs produced by their own flock directly to household consumers for their personal use without a license or inspection if the eggs are sold directly from the premises where the eggs are produced. If, however you wish to …

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Ask Stephanie: What are the “Hot” Food Labeling Issues so far in 2020?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

People demand readily available information in all aspects of their lives. So, it is no surprise that consumers demand that same level of information when it comes to their food. Food labels are one of the avenues consumers get information about the food they choose to purchase. Therefore, it is important to understand these labels, what they mean and who …

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Litigating Surrounding Vermont’s GMO Labeling Bill

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

In April of 2014, Vermont became the first state in the United States to require that all food products sold within the state of Vermont have a label indicating if it contains genetically modified ingredients. The law also prohibits manufacturers from writing “natural” or “all-natural” if a food product does contain GMOs. The law goes into effect in July 2016, …

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My National Overview of Agriculture Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

[slideshare id=53657806&doc=powerpoint-keynote-151007171431-lva1-app6892] This presentation was given as the keynote at the Tennessee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium a few weeks ago. It covers a myriad of food and agriculture law topics including Veterinary Feed Directive, Waters of the United States, Syngenta Litigation, GMO Labeling, Country of Origin Labeling, Raw Milk, Food Safety Modernization Act, Idaho’s Ag Gag …

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National Agriculture Law Update

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law

Happy Columbus Day!  Had a great time in Tennessee last Friday as the Keynote Speaker for the Tennesee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium.  Like true Cari Rincker style, I have a substantive outline from my presentation.  It’s on my JD Supra page here.  It covers a myriad of agriculture law issues including the 2014 Farm Bill, Waters of …

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Did Somebody Say Wine? I’m there… Speaking on Wine Law

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

I will be speaking on winery and vineyard law in Long Island, New York for National Business Institute in the area of wine law on on November 10, 2015 from 9:00am to 4:30pm (long day!) During my part of the presentation, I will be speaking on the following topics: 1) An overview of Federal and New York State wine law; 2) How …

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Heading to Tennessee for a Keynote and Panel Discussion on Direct Farm Marketing

Rincker LawSpeaking Engagements

I will be taking off next week for Tennessee for the Tennessee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium, “A Look into the Field:  Food and Agriculture Law and Policy” on October 9, 2015 in Knoxville, Tennessee.  I am participating in a panel discussion titled “Agri-Tourism, CSA’s and Direct to Consumer Sales” – as I noted previously, you can …

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My Lawline Presentation on Livestock Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

I had a great time presenting last week to Lawline on a “Survey of Legal Issues Affecting Livestock Producers”.  I have included my presentation slides below. [slideshare id=47744828&doc=lawline-livestockissues-150504153516-conversion-gate02]

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Ag Book: The Vertical Farm Project

Rincker LawAg Book Club

I recently read “The Vertical Farm”  by Dr. Dickson Despommier.  I find urban agriculture to be fascinating and have loved visiting some rooftop farms in Brooklyn.  As the world population grows, we are not getting more land to help grow our food.  In fact, each year we get less and less farmable land due to urban encroachment.  I don’t think …

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Country of Origin Labeling Webinar

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

The National Agriculture Law Center is will hosting a webinar titled “COOL or Not-So-Cool:  Overview and Discussion of Country of Origin Labeling” on November 14, 2013 at 2:30pm ET.  For those of you who have been following this issue, COOL has been quite the mess over the last decade and its future is unclear.  You can listen to J. Dudley …

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Looking for Some Weekend Reading?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

My book is a pretty quick read.  I did my best to break down complex food and agriculture law concepts for the farmer or food entrepreneur.  You can find it for sale here.  It’s 400 pages of fun to review over the weekend before the holiday rush begins!

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