So You Wanna Be An Ag Lawyer? Questions for Cari Rincker

Rincker LawSo You Wanna Be An Ag Lawyer?

I was recently asked the following questions from a high school student.  Here are my responses:  What do you wish you would have known prior to pursuing college and a career in this field? One of my biggest regrets educationally is not pursuing a foreign language.  I had an opportunity to  stay an extra year at Texas A & M University  …

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Ag Law Today Episode 23: Hemp Law

Rincker LawAg Law Today, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts

Hear me talk about Hemp Law with Georgia Attorney Greg Smith in this episode of Ag Law Today.  You can find more information about Greg and his ag law practice here.

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Ask Stephanie: What are the Right to Privacy Concerns Facing Livestock Photographers?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Intellectual Property

There are four major types of privacy law: unreasonable intrusion upon seclusion, unreasonable revelation of private facts, unreasonably placing another person in a false light; and, misappropriation of a person’s name or likeness. Intrusion: One who intentionally intrudes, physically or otherwise, upon the solitude or seclusion of another or his private affairs or concerns, is subject to liability to the …

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Ask Cari: What Laws Affect Agriculture and Livestock Photographers / Videographers?

Rincker LawCopyrights, Food & Ag Law, Intellectual Property, Trademarks

Here is a presentation that I did on the topic for an upcoming lecture at Purdue on the topic: Laws that Apply to Agriculture Photographers and Videographers from Cari Rincker

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Ask Stephanie: What Copyright Issues Affect Agriculture Photographers and Videographers?

Rincker LawCopyrights, Intellectual Property

A copyright gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical, or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. This work includes photographs and in fact according to the Federal Copyright Act of 1976, photographs are copyright protected the moment they are created. It is not necessary to formally register a copyright, however it may be …

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Add Farm Estate Planning on Your Farm’s “To Do” List

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I was recently interviewed by Illinois Farmer on farm estate planning, which remains a hot topic in agriculture.  I’m passionate about getting estate and succession planning on your “to do” list and to treat it like any other deadline in your life.  Read the full article here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Animal Law Issues in Farm and Ranch Divorces

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Equine Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

There are a myriad of animal law issues affecting farm and ranch families who are going through a divorce (both with companion animals but also livestock and frozen genetics).  Read my Fact Sheet with the National Agriculture Law Center here.  Don’t forget to check out all my NALC Fact Sheets on family law issues with agriculture here.

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4 Reasons to Consider Changing Your Business Structure

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law

As your small business expands and evolves, it may make sense to consider changing its structure. Many small businesses start out as sole proprietorships or partnerships, with only one or two owners and no employees. Over time, as your business grows and changes, a more complex business structure may become beneficial. There are several key considerations in deciding whether a …

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NALC Fact Sheet: Orders of Protections for Farm and Ranch Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Sometimes farm and ranch families have domestic violence issues (as do all types of families).  I worked on a Fact Sheet on Orders of Protection for the National Agriculture Law Center here.  You can read all my fact sheets as it relates to family law issues with agriculture here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Farm Succession and Estate Planning Concerns in a Divorce

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Oftentimes folks who are getting a divorce, do not think about estate planning concerns but this is an especially important issue for multi-generational farm and ranch families,  Read my fact sheet with the National Agriculture Law Center on this very topic here.  All of the family law issues in agriculture Fact Sheets can be found here.

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Episode 20 of Ag Law Today: Produce Safety Rule

Rincker LawAg Law Today, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts

Hear Cari talk the Produce Safety Rule with fellow food and agriculture lawyer, Lauren Handel with Handel Food Law, on this episode of Ag Law Today.  Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes and/or YouTube so you don’t miss a beat!

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Episode 19 of Ag Law Today: Direct Farm Marketing

Rincker LawAg Law Today, Food & Ag Law, Podcasts

Loved this conversation with fellow Illinois food and agriculture lawyer, Rich Schell, on all things direct farm marketing.  Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or iTunes.  Links are also posted on my Podcasts page here.

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