Keynote Speech: The Cattle Business Really is a Family Business

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Speaking Engagements

I had the pleasure of being the keynote speaker last night to the Knox County Beef Association, a county affiliate of the Illinois Beef Association.  What a crowd they had for their annual meeting — exciting to witness and be a part of.  My keynote focused on family and its importance to the beef industry. You can read it here.

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Illinois Agriculture Law: Farm Estate and Succession Planning

Rincker LawEstate Planning, Food & Ag Law

This presentation will be given to the Illinois Beef Association this Thursday in Galina, Illinois, at its annual meeting. It discusses the differences between estate planning, succession planning and business planning. Then it delves into the Who, What, When, Where, How and How Much. It too discusses how to have those difficult conversations and using mediation in this process. [slideshare …

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