Virtual Mediation During COVID-19 Pandemic

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I have noted for years my ability to conduct meditations “virtually” via GoToMeeting or Skype.  I’ve been speaking to clients via GoToMeeting but I can also conduct meditations using this technology.  Of course, it is more productive to meet in person but a lot can still be accomplished by having these conversations “virtually.” For family law matters, I mediate both …

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Overview of Mediation

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution

I will be speaking tomorrow at the crack of down tomorrow morning to the CU Sunrise Rotary Club on mediation.  For those of you who are in Central Illinois, I would the support!  The presentation is at 6:45am and coffee (and breakfast!) will be provided.  Here are my materials for the presentation on mediation available on my JD Supra page …

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