Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Spousal Maintenance

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized

Spousal maintenance in some states is formulaic, while others rely on case law. In either scenario, there needs to be a determination of income (not assets). For most involved in farming and ranching or other kinds of agri-business, determining income is anything but straightforward. Typically, a spouse is required to pay for his/her health insurance after the divorce, but if …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Prenuptial Agreements

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Prenuptial agreements are oftentimes viewed as taboo; instead, farmers, ranchers, agribusiness owners, and food entrepreneurs should view prenuptial agreements like an insurance policy for a marriage. Nobody gets on an airplane thinking that it is going to crash, but you still go over the safety instructions. A prenuptial agreement simply notes the safety instructions in case the marriage terminates for …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Orders of Protection

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

An Order of Protection is available for parties who are being stalked, harassed, or abused by their partner (physically, verbally, or sexually). It is available not only for romantic relationships (e.g., spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend), but also other family relationships (e.g., between a farmer landlord uncle and farmer tenant niece). Although the procedures for filing and defending against an order of protection …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Keeping the Business Intact

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Most parties going through a divorce do not consider the option of keeping the farm business intact. Everyone’s brains (including the lawyers’) typically go to dividing the farm/ranch assets, along with its inventory. However, there is another option: keeping the business intact. This has several advantages, especially if this is a multi-generational farm family business. This requires careful planning and …

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Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Animal Issues

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Family/Matrimonial Law

Divorces among farm families inherently have animal issues – not only with live animals but also with genetic material (e.g., embryos, semen). These are important property disputes for some farm families. Depending on the state, companion animals can be treated differently. Companion Animals To begin, companion animals typically include dogs and cats, but can also include some exotic animals and …

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Family Law and Cryogenetics

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Cryogenically frozen embryos are a very unique type of marital property, to say the least.  They represent two divorced people having a baby.  Dividing this unique, and emotionally charged, property hinges on balancing one party’s interest in not being forced to procreate after a divorce and the right of the other party to have a biological child, which in most …

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Illinois Family Law: Termination of Spousal Support with Cohabitation

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In Illinois, spousal maintenance obligations ends either: (1) automatically based on a date specified in the court order; (2) automatically upon remarriage; (3) when the recipient spouse begins cohabitating with a significant other, which requires the payor-spouse to ask the court; (4) automatically upon death unless a life insurance policy is to be paid to the recipient ex-spouse when the …

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Illinois Divorce Law: Can My Spouse See My Medical Records?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Medical records are required to be produced if they are relevant for spousal maintenance.  If the spouse requesting maintenance is claiming he or she cannot work because of a medical condition, then the other spouse is entitled to the medical records. During the discovery phase of litigation, the parties may request documents that are relevant to the divorce, including spousal …

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3 Things You Must Do Once Your Divorce Is Final

Rincker LawEstate Planning

The divorce process can be long and expensive.  However, the work does not end once the divorce decree is signed. In order to ensure that your assets and estate planning wishes are carried out in light of this major life change, there are three things you must do as soon as possible. Change Beneficiary Designation On Life Insurance A life …

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Book Review: The Christian Prenuptial Agreement

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

A Christian prenup. Isn’t that an oxymoron?  No, no, it’s not.  I recently read Patricia Hartman’s book “The Christian Prenuptial Agreement:  The Power of Marriage Unleashed” and she makes a solid argument why it’s not.  The author is not an attorney; instead, she is a CPA and approaches things from a financial perspective.  You can order the book on Amazon …

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Illinois Family Law: Guardian Ad Litem for Sixth Circuit

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I’m very excited to announce that I’m officially a Guardian Ad Litem for the Sixth Circuit of Illinois.  I’ve always been passionate about working with children through family law issues and excited to serve the community through this capacity.

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Depreciation of Farm Assets and Child Support in Illinois

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Many times clients contact me on a child support matter who own farms and, accordingly, have expensive farm equipment.  Farmers usually take deductions on the depreciation of expensive equipment on their tax returns.  This MAY affect child support, as a trial court has discretion to include nonrecurring income in calculating net income for child support purposes. See In Re Marriage of …

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