My Presentation for Morrisville State College Equine and Dairy Students

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law

I had a wonderful opportunity this week to speak to equine and dairy science students at Morrisville State College via Skype on a select legal issues affecting the New York livestock industry.  I spoke about New York lien law, livestock animal cruelty law and business organizations.  I have included the presentation below. [slideshare id=15486068&doc=nylivestocklaw2-121204102537-phpapp01] New York Agri-Women had its first …

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Enjoyed Speaking to a College Equine Class Today via Skype

Rincker LawAgriculture Education, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Webinars

I had a great time this morning presenting an overview of New York equine law to Prof. Sheila Marshman’s Equine Law at Morrisville State College via Skype.  I gave an overview of our legal system and explained how laws were made. I also gave an overview of livestock animal cruelty law, tort law (including nuisance, horseback rider’s release of liability, …

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