Beef Quality Assurance Certification

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

I am pretty excited to complete the Beef Quality Assurance (“BQA”) certification program.  I registered with Carol Gillis at the New York Beef Industry Council .  A $10 registration fee is required to help pay for the Mid-Atlantic Producer Certification Manual.  After a cursory overview of the materials this morning, the manual seems chalk full of best management practices concerning …

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What are Some Changes in Farm Animal Care Laws That Should Take Place at the State and/or Federal Level?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology

Last week on #AgChat on Twitter, @RinckerLaw posed this question to the “ag tweeps” during the forum discusssing animal care issues.  You can read what folks on Twitter had to say on this question here.  @CowNutritionist and @rosehartshuh both liked what Ohio did last fall with the creation of the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board.  @Amsjost believes that every farm …

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What Will Be The Biggest Agriculture Policy Issue of 2010?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology

I asked my “ag tweeps” on Twitter and this is what they had to say (in 140 characters or less): @itweetmeat – “Greater food policy legislation.” @allenlivingston – “I think Cap & Trade will be the biggest #ag policy issue 2010 – far reaching consequences.” @Fastline – “Animal rights will continue to be huge.  Maybe something more for the dairy …

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Part III: Debrief from NYFB Farm Animal Welfare Conference

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

At the recent New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) Farm Animal Welfare Conference, Kay Johnson Smith from the Animal Agriculture Alliance was one of the keynote speakers.  I was extremely impressed by her poise and presence.  I love seeing such powerful, articulate women in the forefront of agriculture issues in Washington. The underlying theme of Ms. Smith’s talk was that those …

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