Listen to Me Talk Divorce & Divorce Mediation on the Russ Terry Show

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I had a great time talking divorce and divorce mediation on Monday night on the Russ Terry Show:  Live Your Best Life.  You can listen to the hour show on dealing with divorce here.  Want some quick and dirty tips instead?  Listen to Russ Terry’s debrief with 5 Tips for Dealing with Divorce here.

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Guest Appearance on the Russ Terry Show: Dealing with Divorce

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I will be making a guest appearance on the Russ Terry Show on March 25, 2013 from 9-9:30pm.  Russ is a Life Coach in the Greater New York City area and his Blog Talk Radio Show has different themes each week.  On the 25th, Russ will be getting down and dirty with the “D” word (“and I don’t mean Dallas”). …

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Mediator for the New York State Agriculture Mediation Program (NYSAMP)

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Since completing the mediation apprenticeship program with the New York Peace Institute, my Community Dispute Resolution Center (“CDRC”) in Manhattan and Brooklyn, I have been admitted to the roster of mediators for the New York State Agriculture Mediation Program (“NYSAMP”).  NYSAMP works with the CDRC’s in each country throughout New York to provide free mediation services for the New York …

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Completion of Community Mediation Apprenticeship

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As I noted in this post, I have been participating in the New York Peace Institute’s Community Mediation Apprenticeship Program.  I started my journey in December 2011 by completing the 40-Hour Basic Mediation Training.  I then started the 13 – week classroom portion of the apprenticeship in January 2012.  New York Peace Institute has strict standards for its apprenticeship program …

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Workshops Available at FamilyKind on the Upper West Side in New York City

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As my readers know, not only am I a food and agriculture lawyer but I also have a family and matrimonial law practice.  I wanted to point out a helpful organization here in New York City for you folks who may be going through a separation or divorce:  FamilyKind. It offers separate classes for adults, children and teens to better …

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Supervised Child Visitation in New York

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When one parent (the custodial parent) has physical custody of a child, the other parent (the non-custodial parent) usually has visitation rights (i.e., “parenting time”). There is an assumption that a parent has a right to unsupervised visitation with his or her child absent any threat to the child’s wellbeing. However, if the court finds that there is a threat …

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Member of the NY State Council on Divorce Mediation

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I have recently become a member of the NY State Council on Divorce Mediation (“NYSCDM”).   You can find me on the list of divorce mediators for New York County (Manhattan) using this search.  Here is the complete list of divorce mediators.  It has a nice blog you can subscribe to on information about divorce mediation.  You can also follow …

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Ask Cari: “When Can I Obtain an Order of Protection in NY Family Court?”

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Family Court and Supreme Court has concurrent jurisdiction on family offenses.  An indigent person may receive court-appointed representation in Family Court if they are under a certain income threshold.  Family Offenses are crimes; therefore, Criminal Court also has jurisdiction over family offenses. In order for one party to bring a family offense petition in Family Court, one of the following …

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Ask Cari: “Can I Leave the Marital Home Before the Divorce is Commenced?”

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I am frequently asked this question during divorce consultations.  There is a fear out there due to the law of abandonment that a spouse will hurt his/her legal position in a divorce if he/she vacates the marital home before the divorce is commenced. “Actual abandonment” is still a ground for divorce in the state of New York; however, the departure …

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A Few Thoughts on Matrimonial Agreements

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Matrimonial agreements are always encouraged, especially with divorces.  When people enter into an agreement as opposed to getting an order from a judge, it is more likely that they will comply with the agreement.  Any type of matrimonial agreement is a contract and can be enforced by court action just like any other civil contract.  Matrimonial agreements may discuss the …

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New Member of the Family & Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York

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As noted in previous posts on this blog, I have a growing divorce and family law mediation practice.  I wanted to take a moment and note my membership of the Family & Divorce Mediation Council of Greater New York.  If you are looking for a divorce or family law mediator, I recommend reviewing the Member Directory.

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My Path Becoming an Agriculture Lawyer in New York City

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Last month, I spoke to a group of Texas 4-H kids at a Texas A & M University via Skype about my work as an agriculture lawyer in New York City.  I was asked to share a bit about my path and how I become an agriculture lawyer in the Big Apple.  Here was my response: I grew up on …

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