Would Love Your Recommendation for the ABA Blawg 100

Rincker Law Awards and Honors, Social Media and Technology 1 Comment

To my beloved readers… It’s that time of year again when the American Bar Association (“ABA”) is searching for the best 100 law blogs (“blawgs”).  Last year, I made the coveted list and would love to do again.. but can only do so with your help.  If you are a fan of this Food, Farm & Family Law Blog please …

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How is Durational Spousal Maintenance Calculated in New York?

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Pursuant to a divorce, spousal maintenance may be awarded for life, not at all, or for a fixed period of time.  In New York, lifetime maintenance is awarded in extremely rare circumstances.  Durational maintenance is awarded to the lesser-monied spouse of a divorce for a defined, fixed term.  The purpose of durational maintenance is to enable the lesser-moneyed spouse to …

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Sibling Visitation Rights in New York

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law 24 Comments

There is a presumption that a parent knows what is best for his or her child and can decide who the child sees and when.  When parents divorce, siblings or half-siblings might be split and their relationships might suffer.  In New York, siblings (full-blood and half-blood) have a statutory right to visitation with each other.  This is outlined in New …

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Three Years and the Fun Keeps Coming…

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Fridays with Cari, Interviews, Mediation services, Rincker Law Events, Rincker Law services, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements, Video Conferencing, Webinars 2 Comments

Happy Third Year Anniversary to this blog!  Seems like just yesterday I was writing this second year anniversary post.  Time flies when you are having fun!  It’s been an exciting third year of this blog.  Here are a few highlights: 1.  This law blog (“blawg”) made the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) Top 100 Blawg list.  Nominations for 2012 are right …

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Relocating from New York with Marital Children After A Divorce

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law 1 Comment

I love New York and I certainly don’t want to move elsewhere but I understand why someone else might.  After a divorce, one parent may wish to relocate either to pursue a new relationship or to be closer to family.  If there is no visitation granted to the other parent, the custodial parent can move freely.  However, in most cases …

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How to Legally Change Your Name in New York

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law 3 Comments

It’s a new day….and time for a new last name.  There are various reasons people want to change their names.  This post will primarily focus on the process for changing your name incident to a divorce. Most Judgments of Divorce grant the ex-wife permission to resume using her maiden name (or surname).  If this is the case, there is no …

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How to Calculate Temporary Spousal Maintenance in New York

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law 1 Comment

Temporary spousal maintenance is money paid from the higher-earning spouse to the lesser-earning spouse.  It is typically applied during the pendency of the divorce but it can also be used as a guideline when a couple is married for relief in Family Court.  I have received a lot of  phone calls lately from folks whose spouse decides to cut them …

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Completed NY Child Custody & Visitation Mediation Training

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Leave a Comment

This weekend I completed New York child custody and visitation mediation training in Queens at Community Mediation Services, Inc.  It was a complementary training to my divorce mediation training this winter with the New York Peace Institute.  I am continually impressed by the quality of the education at our Community Dispute Resolution Centers (“CDRC”) in the state of New York. …

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Helping Your Children Survive a Divorce

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

I recently came across this Parent’s Handbook from the New York State Parent Education and Awareness Program.  If you are currently going through a divorce or separation with children, I recommend reviewing the handbook.  I especially liked the section in the handbook when it talks about the emotional effects of children in different age groups. I am not a parent …

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“Contested” vs. “Uncontested” Divorces – So What Exactly is the Difference?

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

In New York, a contested divorce is one where the parties do not agree on whether or not to get divorced, on what the grounds for divorce will be, and/or on all or some of the ancillary issues to the divorce including but not limited to durational/rehabilitative spousal maintenance, child support, and equitable distribution.  All or some of the issues stated …

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Licenses, Degrees, and Professional Practices/Businesses in NY Divorce Actions

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

New York uniquely classifies a spouse’s enhanced earning capacity (a professional degree or license) or professional practice or business as an asset for equitable distribution purposes.  In order for enhanced earning capacity or interest in a business or professional practice to be considered during equitable distribution, it must be “marital property.”  For example, a license or degree is marital property …

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