How Organization Can Help You Save Money in Your Divorce

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I help people through the emotional, life-changing experience of a divorce.  A new chapter awaits on the other side.  But first, the parties have to get through the divorce process. There is a lot of financial transparency in a divorce.  The parties each have the legal right to financial disclosures from the other party.  If the parties choose to go …

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Overview of “Sealed” Divorce Papers in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

New York has stronger privacy laws with divorces when compared to other states.  Under New York Domestic Relations Law (“DRL”) § 235, pleadings to a matrimonial action are sealed for 100 years (in other words, for your lifetime).  Only the parties themselves or the attorneys’ of record may obtain the court files. However, the court may order for the divorce …

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Looking for Pro Se Assistance on Your New York Divorce?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

The New York State Unified Court System as a nice instruction guide to help pro se litigants file their divorce papers.  You can find the booklet here. I am also available on an hourly basis for pro se assistance.  Whether you want to speak about your legal rights or want an attorney to review the final documents before submitting them …

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