Looking for Pro Se Assistance on Your New York Divorce?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law 2 Comments

The New York State Unified Court System as a nice instruction guide to help pro se litigants file their divorce papers.  You can find the booklet here. I am also available on an hourly basis for pro se assistance.  Whether you want to speak about your legal rights or want an attorney to review the final documents before submitting them …

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What do Farmers and Agri-Businesses Have to Say About Ag Lawyers?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

Last month I conducted a survey for farmers, agribusinesses and food entrepreneurs about agriculture lawyers.  The results were used in this presentation that I gave in Ohio on getting and keeping agriculture clients.  This article on my JD Supra page offers a summary of the survey and my $0.02 on what it means for agriculture lawyers.

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