Ask Stephanie: What Trademark Issues Apply to Livestock Photographers?

Rincker LawIntellectual Property, Trademarks

The U.S. Trademark office states that a trademark is “a word, name, symbol, device, or any combination, use or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the good/services of one seller or provider from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods/services.” Trademarks may either be on a mark or image. In order for something to …

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Episode 7 of Ag Law Today: Trademarks

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I interviewed the beautiful Shahrina Ankhi-Krol of Ankhi-Krol Law on trademarks on last week’s episode of Ag Law Today.  Check it out here.  Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes and YouTube so you don’t miss a beat.

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Business Trademarks: What’s Really in a Name?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, Trademarks

 If you’re thinking of starting a business (or already have a business in the works), make sure that the name you use is not already taken.  Original names are essential for three reasons:  marketing power, clarity, and trademark infringement avoidance.  For example, if you’ve decided to open a coffee shop, it’s fairly easy to determine that the name “Starbucks” is …

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4 Social Media Mistakes that May Put Your Company’s IP at Risk

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Copyrights, Intellectual Property, Trademarks

Being active on social media is hardly a choice anymore for small to medium sized businesses—it’s a given.  After all, your customers are there.  Connecting with your target audience in the social web can boost your brand and level the playing field between you and big competitors with larger advertising budgets.  But before you rush out to tweet a deal …

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Are Your Trade Secrets Really Safe? 4 Steps To Safeguard Your Competitive Edge

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Intellectual Property, Trademarks

A trade secret is a piece of information which is confidential, can be legally protected, and gives your company a competitive edge.  Lots of the most famous examples involve recipes: the formula for Coca Cola, McDonald’s Big Mac “secret sauce”, or that Mrs. Field’s chocolate chip cookie recipe that caused such a legal stir in the 90s.  But you don’t …

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