A Champaign Mediation Attorney Explains How Mediation Can Assist with Parenting Time

Rincker LawCo-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law

Explains How Mediation Can Assist with Parenting time even in the best of circumstances, divorces can be problematic and contentious. When children are involved, they can get downright nasty. However, there is good news: Mediation can be a huge time saver when it comes to preserving child custody agreements and coming to a fair agreement about parenting time. What is …

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The Impact of COVID-19 on Parenting Plans in Champaign County

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

When parents get divorced, child custody is one of the most contentious issues. Parenting plans may be established only after many hours of negotiation and several painful compromises. Still, these parenting plans can be quite successful, until something unprecedented occurs. This is the situation that divorced parents across Champaign County are dealing with this year. With cases of COVID-19 on …

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Ask Kym: How Do I Co-Parent Amidst COVID-19?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In the past few days, we have had numerous calls on this issue.  While there is no clear law as to what rules apply to parenting time and visitation during a pandemic like COVID-19, since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I wanted to provide some suggestions to our clients and potential clients who co-parent.  Please remember that although …

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Illinois Family Law: Relocation with Children

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Various reasons prompt a parent to want to relocate with his or her child.  Illinois, like most states, has strict procedures to follow when requesting a relocation since the relocation often times jeopardizes the relationship and time spent with the other parent. Relocation refers to three situations in Illinois, dependent on location: The parent moving more than 25 miles from …

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New York Child Custody and Visitation Agreements – Think About Traveling with Children

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

The Courts have found travel to be in the best interest of the child. Consequently, a parent should not unreasonably withhold consent for the child to travel with the other parent. If the non-traveling parent unreasonably withholds consent then the court can override the non-traveling parent’s objection to the travel.  See Matter of Arroyo v. Agosta, 2010 NY Slip Op …

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Child Custody and Visitation: Getting a Holiday Schedule in Place

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

After deciding the “basic parenting time schedule”, parents should then decide how they want to handle holidays. Holidays include the following: School holidays/ National holidays (e.g., Columbus Day, Memorial Day) Religious holidays (e.g., Easter) Other holidays (e.g., Halloween) Birthdays (parents and children) Father’s Day and Mother’s Day Parents should make a list of all applicable holidays in which the parents …

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Child Custody and Visitation: Getting the Basic Parenting Schedule in Place

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Parents should decide on a “basic parenting time schedule” that the parents will conduct in a regular week.  Parents should consider what is reasonable taking into consideration the location of the parent’s home, the parent’s schedule and the child’s schedule. If the parents do not live near each other, the parenting schedule deviates from regular short-term access such as every …

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