Monday Links

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Agriculture Production, Farm Life, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

I hope all my readers had a nice weekend.  After a tough workout, I was able to catch-up on my NetNewsWire Google Reader feed yesterday over a warm cup of coffee.  I thought the following posts were worth noting: 1.  I have worked as a legal consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) of the United Nations in Rome. …

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Sunday Links

Rincker LawEnergy Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources

Happy May Day!  I have had a great visit in Illinois visiting Lake Land College and family.  Our pastureland grass is lush and green.  Illinois has been hit with a lot of rain this spring.  Dad *hopes* to plant corn next weekend.  Had a nice afternoon catching up on blogs.  Here are a few that caught my eye: 1.  April …

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Try To Have *That* Conversation With Your Family This Holiday Season

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

You know the conservation that I am referring to– the one about estate and succession planning.  The conversation when you talk about all the What If’s.  Try to have that conversation this holiday season.  I know it might be an uncomfortable topic to bring up while you are “roasting chestnuts on the open fire” or drinking eggnog while watching Charlie …

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When Is The Last Time You Reviewed Your Estate Plan?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations

I read a great article in the Agriculture Law Update from the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) by Kevin Alerding, Esq., a Partner at Ice Miller, LLP in Indianapolis, Indiana, about reviewing estate plans.  Alerding recommends that folks review their estate plan once a year.  I think this is good advice so it becomes part of your regular routine.  Perhaps after you …

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Some Suggestions for Your New Year’s Resolutions

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Law, Social Media and Technology

Here we are.  Last day of 2009.  I cannot believe how fast this year has gone.  I started 2009 in Cheyenne, Wyoming and ended it in New York City at Rincker Law, PLLC.  I am extremely grateful for my friends and family who have been supportive along the way.  It’s snowing outside here in NYC today — nothing better than …

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Power of Attorney

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I hope that all my readers are having a great holiday season.  As I have mentioned in previous posts, estate planning has become a newfound passion of mine.  Even on a personal level, it is important that my own family have in place the proper documentation.  In my opinion, careful estate planning is the best gift that you can give …

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Noteworthy. . .

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Links and Online Resources

This has been a hectic week so far, but as I was going through my google reader last night I thought the following posts from fellow legal bloggers were “noteworthy.” 1.  Prof. Susan Schneider, the Director of the LLM Program in Agriculture and Food Law at the University of Arkansas notes here that she is heading to Copenhagen next month …

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