How to Handle Make-up Time and Communication Issues During COVID Quarantine

Rincker LawCo-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law

Co-parenting after divorce is complicated at the best of times. With COVID quarantine problems over the last year, co-parenting has been become even more challenging. With so many people being sick and others doing everything they can to avoid spreading the contagion, regular parental visitation has become extremely difficult. This leads to communication issues between former spouses as well as …

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Ask Kym: Parenting Time Under Illinois Law with Coronovirus Outbreak

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As you can imagine, this issue has been arising in child custody cases around the country. I have received this question from several clients, like yourself, who are concerned about court ordered parenting time agreements.  While there is no clear law on it since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I will inform you of the relevant laws in …

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Overview of USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I’m currently conducting a blog series where each week I give a brief overview of the responsibilities of a government agency regulating our food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful reminder for everyone on just how complex our regulatory system really is.  It’s a game of Who’s Who for government players in the U.S. food and agriculture economy. …

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