To piggy back on this post announcing that this blog made the ABA Journal Top 100 Blawg List, I thought it would be appropriate to list a few of my favorites. Here are my top 10 (in no particular order): 1. Equine Law Blog – Alison Rowe, a fellow agriculture attorney, is an exceptional writer and brilliant equine lawyer in …
Deadline to Apply to the National Beef Speakers Bureau Quickly Approaching
Happy Sunday. I wanted to alert my readers on a deadline that right around the corner. The American National Cattlewomen, Inc. (“ANCW”) is currently taking applications for the National Beef Speakers Bureau (“NBSB”) through December 15, 2011. You can find the application here. Last year was the first year for the program. With the help of cattlewomen from coast to …
Made The ABA Top 100 Blawg List: Would Love Your Vote (Again!)
After spending the last month campaigning in the Best of Barns Competition for Ag Agvocate of the Year and Best Agriculture Lawyer, I have some more exciting news to share… This Food and Agriculture Law Blog made the ABA Journal’s Top 100 Blawg List. I am incredibly humbled to be on the same list of so many brilliant legal bloggers. …
Enjoyed Speaking to a College Equine Class Today via Skype
I had a great time this morning presenting an overview of New York equine law to Prof. Sheila Marshman’s Equine Law at Morrisville State College via Skype. I gave an overview of our legal system and explained how laws were made. I also gave an overview of livestock animal cruelty law, tort law (including nuisance, horseback rider’s release of liability, …
2011 Best of Barns Competition
I feel extremely honored to have been nominated for the 2011 Best of Barns Competition in two categories: (1) Best Agriculture Attorney and (2) Ag Advocate of the Year. I have some steep competition in both categories so I would greatly appreciate your vote! Polls close on December 1, 2011. Share this Article
“Fridays with Cari” Webinar Series Kicks Off Today
I’m excited for my new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari.” I will be discussing a variety of agriculture issues with my Friday webinar series ranging from livestock animal cruelty law to estate planning. I believe that legal information should be affordable for everyone in the food and agriculture industry and I hope that my webinars will be educational to …
Speaking to the Top O’ Jersey 4-H Beef Club in Sussex County Tonight
I will be speaking at the Top O’ Jersey 4-H Beef Club in Sussex County this evening at the New Jersey State Fair Administrative Building. I will be talking to the 4-H kids about being an “advocate for the agriculture industry” in their community and online. Furthermore, I will speaking briefly about agriculture law and policy and giving the kids …
New Jersey Civil Roster of Mediators
I was recently approved as a R. 1:40 qualified mediator for the New Jersey Superior Court’s Civil, General Equity and Probate Cases and Civil Presumptive Mediation Program. You can find my profile on the Roster here. I believe that mediation is a great alternative to litigation providing an effective means to reach an amicable solution. I am also available for …
What Should Be Kept Within a Fire Proof or Safe Deposit Box?
Your safe deposit box should have original papers while photocopies should be kept at home. For example, original birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, divorce decrees, deeds, titles to automobiles, citizenship papers, adoption papers, veteran’s papers, and contracts (e.g., partnership agreements) should be kept in a fire proof box while photocopies should be kept at home. Furthermore, I recommend keeping copies …
Noteworthy Blog Posts for Young Cattle Producers
I had a guest post today on the National Cattlemen’s Beef Producer’s (“NCBA”) Young Producers’ Council’s (“YPC”) blog, Cattle Call, noting some of my blog posts that may be applicable to young cattle producers. If you have not done so already, I recommend subscribing to the Cattle Call RSS Feed. I was the founding editor of this blog and it …
So What’s Your Number? The ABC’s of FICO’s
I receive a lot of questions from clients regarding credit scores. I think a primer on FICO’s would be appropriate. There are three credit reporting agencies (“CRAs”): Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. I recommend reviewing your credit report annually from each of the three CRAs from (as opposed to which actually charges you to obtain your credit report instantaneously). …