New York Family Law: What is this Notice on my Child Support Order about Incarceration?

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It is standard for all Family Court Child Support Orders to have a notice telling the Respondent that failure to abide by the Order can result in incarceration, among other penalties. This is the Notice: FAILURE TO OBEY THIS ORDER MAY RESULT IN INCARCERATION FOR CRIMINAL NON-SUPPORT OR CONTEMPT; SUSPENSION OF YOUR DRIVER’S LICESNE, STATE ISSUED PROFESSIONAL, TRADE, BUSINESS, AND …

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Meet Ruth Kornegay-Baez – My Right Hand Gal

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Ruth has been a legal assistant at Rincker Law, PLLC for 1.5 years – I thought it was high time that you finally meet her!  Ruth holds a B.A. in English Literature from Hunter College of the City University of New York. She worked as a Word Processor at a Manhattan law firm and completed a legal proofreading course with …

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Insurance: Documenting Property Losses, Before They Occur

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Documenting details is important when it comes to making claims against an insurance policy, and many insurance contracts require it. Even if you experience damage that would clearly have been covered by your insurance policy, you may be out of luck if you haven’t specifically documented the existence and value of an asset to the company and you have no …

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New York Family Law: Relocation of Non-Custodial Parent

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Uncategorized 8 Comments

  A client recently asked me:  what happens when the non-custodial parent wishes to relocate outside of New York City greater area? She was the custodial parent in this case. Unlike with a custodial parent wishing to relocate, the law does not require the non-custodial parent to seek permission by the court, absent a separation agreement by the parties saying otherwise. …

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Umbrella Insurance

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“Umbrella insurance” is a special additional coverage for liability not covered by your existing policies. The name “umbrella” improperly infers that umbrella insurance adds coverage in the “holes” of existing insurance policies; instead, umbrella insurance should be viewed as a “top hat.” It essentially raises your already existing limits and existing coverage. For example, if you have a $1 million …

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Form I-864: Sponsoring Spouse’s Duty to Support

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To file for a green card, the U.S. citizen must complete Form I-864, an Affidavit of Support, which is an immigration document requiring the U.S. citizen to maintain his or her foreign national spouse at or above 125% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Divorce does not nullify this promise of support. This is because the Affidavit of Support “serves the …

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Meet Kymberly Robinson! New Associate Attorney on Board

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Kymberly has been working for Rincker Law, PLLC as a contract attorney for several years and has now joined the team as an associate attorney. We are proud to have her part of the team. She is admitted to practice law in New York and Florida. She attended Union College in Schenectady, New York for her undergraduate studies, where she …

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Overview of Common Types of Insurance for Farms and Food Entrepreneurs

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law 2 Comments

There are many different kinds of insurance that farms, agri-business and food entrepreneurs should consider. The most common types of insurance for food and agriculture operations are as follows: 1. Farmers Comprehensive Personal Liability (“FCPL”) Policy (a/k/a farmowner’s insurance): Most farms use a farmowner’s insurance policy to cover the ordinary risks of a farming operation. This type of policy normally …

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New York Divorce Law: Physical Abandonment

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law 1 Comment

One of the “fault” grounds for divorce in New York is abandonment.  There are two types of abandonment – physical abandonment and constructive abandonment (or sexual abandonment). In order to plead the ground of physical abandonment in a complaint for divorce, you must establish that 1) you have been abandoned by your spouse for one year or more, 2) the abandonment was …

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Overview of Copyrights

Rincker Law Copyrights, Food & Ag Law, Intellectual Property Leave a Comment

Copyright is a form of intellectual property protection provided to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. Any expression, however, once written down in unique form, qualifies for copyright protection. Copyright protection comes into being as soon as an expression is recorded in some manner (in …

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