Navigating and Balancing the Complexities of Work and Family Life with Amber Miller

Cari RinckerPodcasts, The Billable Mom Podcast Leave a Comment

The Billable Mom with Cari Rincker, Episode 8 In this episode of The Billable Mom, Cari Rincker speaks with Amber Miller, a partner at Crenshaw, Dupree & Milam, LLP. Amber helps clients with agricultural and business law matters, specializing in  property rights and real estate, entity formation and corporate law, contract drafting and negotiations, while also assisting clients with federal …

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A Champaign Business Law Attorney Explains How to Pick the Right Business Structure

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Do you have dreams of starting a business? If so, then you may not realize how important it is that you choose the right business structure. With the advice of a Champaign business law attorney, you can ensure that you choose the structure that gives you just the right balance of control and protection. For instance, if you prefer to …

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Business Law: General Release for Video-Tapped Testimonials

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

My office just drafted a simple general release form for an agri-business client seeking permission to videotape client testimonials and use the recordings online.  I think it’s a great idea to have a simple consent form to use for these types of situations where video-taped, audio-recorded and/or written testimonials are used in marketing materials.  I suggest having language about the …

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Illinois Family Law: Business Interests in a Divorce

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

A business is an asset. Just because one spouse acquired a business interest before the marriage does not mean that it, or part of it, is not going to be considered marital property. In Illinois, business interest is subject to equitable distribution if: • the business ownership was acquired during the marriage; • there was an increase in value of …

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Podcast Appearance on Book Publishing with Legal Marketing Studio

Rincker LawSpeaking Engagements Leave a Comment

Super pumped for Michael Meyer, corporate photographer extraordinaire,for his new podcast called the “Legal Marketing Studio“, available via SoundCloud and iTunes.  The podcast was just released and I’m in Episode 3 on book publishing.  I talk about my New York food and agriculture book (my first child) and my recently published book on New York divorce and family law (both …

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Thinking About Getting a “Virtual Office”?

Rincker LawPress Leave a Comment

For you attorneys and entrepreneurs out there, I recently wrote a guest blog post for Law Firm Suites on “How My Decision to Practice Law from a Virtual Office Jump Started My Law Firm“.  Although it is focused on New York City law practices, it can be helpful for any type of entrepreneur.  The reality for me is that I …

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For the Lawyer Entrepreneur – “The Happy Law Practice”

Rincker LawBook Reviews Leave a Comment

I get contacted from time-to-time from those interested in being a food and agriculture lawyer or hanging their own shingle in any area of law.  I wanted to note a book that I recently read titled “The Happy Law Practice.”  I have a few colleagues that were involved with putting this book together including Amy Neiman from A Simplified Life, …

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Will Be Attending the Second Annual New York Agri-Women Meeting & Agri-Tour

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations Leave a Comment

I am especially excited for the Second Annual Meeting & Agri-Tour of New York Agri-Women around the corner.  Please check out itinerary for the Annual Meeting here and the agri-tour schedule in the Hudson Valley here.  You can register for both events by competing this form and sending it my way.  You can find directions to the Hyatt in Riverhead, …

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Worthwhile Posts For Start-Up Businesses or the Independently Employed

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I was trolling through the blogosphere this morning and came across some great blogs from Gina Madsen for small business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs: 1.  Have you been considering using your 401(k) to help fund your start-up?  If so, read this first. 2.  If you are some type of self-employed person such as an agriculture free-lance writer, photographer or graphics …

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