Ask Kym: Parenting Time Under Illinois Law with Coronovirus Outbreak

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As you can imagine, this issue has been arising in child custody cases around the country. I have received this question from several clients, like yourself, who are concerned about court ordered parenting time agreements.  While there is no clear law on it since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I will inform you of the relevant laws in …

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COBRA Basics for Divorcing Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As a divorce attorney, I get a lot of questions about Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (“COBRA”).  More specific information relating to your family’s health insurance should be investigated by you and your spouse via the applicable employer. Generally speaking, COBRA is governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (“ERISA”) and applies to covered employees, their spouses, their former …

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A Closer Look at the Pet “Custody” (or Pet Allocation) in Illinois

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Family/Matrimonial Law

A recent Champaign County case was decided concerning the division of property concerning pets in a divorce.  In the case of IRMO Montgomery v. Montgomery, a childless couple had two Shih Tzu dogs together that were about one year apart in age.  Both proved to be fit owners and the Husband had both dogs when the Wife moved out.  Later, …

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Ask Kym: Does my Spouse Have a Duty to Preserve Evidence?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As if there are not enough things to think about when beginning the divorce process, it is imperative that parties preserve evidence, even when merely the prospect of divorce litigation is present.  Thus, the duty to preserve evidence is triggered when there is probable, likely or reasonably anticipated litigation. See Shimanovsky v. General Motors  Corp. 181 Ill.2d 112, 121 (1998) …

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Ask Kym: Are there Automatic Orders for an Illinois Divorce?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

A very common thought when the divorce process begins is: what if my spouse empties or our bank account?  Different states have different statues regarding what restraints are “automatic” when a divorce litigation ensues.  Some have very ridged and extensive “automatic orders” or “automatic temporary restraining orders” (a/k/a/ “ATRO’s”), while others do not. Illinois does have an automatic stay for: …

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Ask Kym: Can I Modify Spousal Maintenance in New York if I Have a Child in New Marriage?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Babies are expensive.  Getting married is expensive.  Having a wife is expensive.  All of these are considerations to be had when you have support obligations arising out of a first marriage.  Many people think that since the payor (the one paying support) has a “new family,” the obligation to the first spouse will cease.  This is not the case. In …

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NALC Fact Sheet: Animal Law Issues in Farm and Ranch Divorces

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Equine Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

There are a myriad of animal law issues affecting farm and ranch families who are going through a divorce (both with companion animals but also livestock and frozen genetics).  Read my Fact Sheet with the National Agriculture Law Center here.  Don’t forget to check out all my NALC Fact Sheets on family law issues with agriculture here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Custody and Visitation Issues for Divorcing Farm and Ranch Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

This is always a hot topic in divorce, but in particular with farm and ranch families.  I worked on Fact Sheets for family law issues affecting agriculture for the National Agriculture Law Center.  You can read my Fact Sheet on children issues including “custody and visitation” here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Orders of Protections for Farm and Ranch Families

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Sometimes farm and ranch families have domestic violence issues (as do all types of families).  I worked on a Fact Sheet on Orders of Protection for the National Agriculture Law Center here.  You can read all my fact sheets as it relates to family law issues with agriculture here.

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NALC Fact Sheet: Alternative Dispute Resolution in Farm and Ranch Divorces

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

If you follow me then you know that I loooooove Alternative Dispute Resolution.  In fact, I’m a trained mediator myself and I teach mediation as an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois School of Law.  There is nothing that gives my heart more joy (well, except for puppies and baby goats) when I am able to resolve divorces through …

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Who Claims the Child(ren) as Tax Dependents under Illinois Law?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In Illinois, it is within the trial court’s discretion to give the dependency status to one parent because the tax dependency issue is viewed as an issue of support. In re Marriage of Evanoff and Tomasek, 2016 IL App (1st) 150017 (1st Dist. 2016), In re Marriage of Sawicki, 346 Ill.App.3d 1107 (3rd Dist. 2004).  If a court allows the …

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