Choice of Business Entity Blog Series: The Corporation

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am oftentimes asked about the best choice of business entity for a farm/ranch, agri-business or food entrepreneur.  There is no one-size fits all answer to that question as each type of business entity offers different strengths and weaknesses.  It is important to pick the right business entity for your specific type of enterprise – the answer to that question may …

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Choice of Business Entities Blog Series: The Limited Partnership

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am oftentimes asked about the best choice of business entity for a farm/ranch, agri-business or food entrepreneur. There is no one-size fits all answer to that question as each type of business entity offers different strengths and weaknesses. It is important to pick the right business entity for your specific type of enterprise – the answer to that question …

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Choice of Business Entities Blog Series: The General Partnership

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am oftentimes asked about the best choice of business entity for a farm/ranch, agri-business or food entrepreneur. There is no one-size fits all answer to that question as each type of business entity offers different strengths and weaknesses. It is important to pick the right business entity for your specific type of enterprise – the answer to that question …

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Choice of Business Entity Blog Series: The “D/B/A”

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am oftentimes asked about the best choice of business entity for a farm/ranch, agri-business or food entrepreneur.  There is no one-size fits all answer to that question as each type of business entity offers different strengths and weaknesses.  It is important to pick the right business entity for your specific type of enterprise – the answer to that question may …

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Five Years? How’d That Happen? Happy Five Year Anniversary to Rincker Law

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law 1 Comment

Time flies when you’re having fun, right?  Last month, Rincker Law (and this blog) celebrated its Five Year Anniversary.  Seems like just yesterday that I was writing this blog celebrating four years of my business (see my first, second, and third anniversary posts).  The highlights of my fifth year in business have been writing my *first* book, being an Adjunct …

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Choice of Business Entity Blog Series: The Sole Proprietorship

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am oftentimes asked about the best choice of business entity for a farm/ranch, agri-business or food entrepreneur.  There is no one-size fits all answer to that question as each type of business entity offers different strengths and weaknesses.  It is important to pick the right business entity for your specific type of enterprise – the answer to that question may …

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Wanna Let Food & Ag Lawyers Know What You *Really* Think? Now Is Your Chance…

Rincker Law Educational Events, Food & Ag Law, Rincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

I am moderating a roundtable discussion at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) annual meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 20-21, 2014 on billing strategies.  I want to hear from farmers, ranchers, agri-business owners, and food entrepreneurs about your experiences with food and agriculture lawyers, especially those pesky bills!  I developed a short survey on the topic – your …

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Vote for Your Favorite Blawg (Preferably This One!)

Rincker Law Awards and Honors Leave a Comment

It’s that time of year again when the American Bar Association (“ABA”) is taking nominations for the 8th Annual Blawg 100.  This law blog (“blawg”) has made the Top 100 in the past- would love your support to get this blawg on there again.  You can peruse the ABA Blawg Directory here. Would love for you to vote for this …

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Overview of New York Local Food Law

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I recently wrote this article giving an overview of local food law in New York.  It gives an overview of the myriad of legal issues affecting farmers and food entrepreneurs involved in the local food movement including direct farm marketing, cottage food operation law, and a checklist of other legal issues such food safety, contract law, land use and zoning, insurance …

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Calling all Ag Lawyers: First AALA Regional in Baltimore, Maryland

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I will be at the first-ever Regional for the American Agriculture Law Association (‘AALA”) this Friday at the University of Maryland, School of Law in Baltimore, Maryland. I will be live tweeting from @CariRincker and @RinckerLaw, while assisting with the employment law presentation.  Check out the conference schedule here.  If you are a food and agriculture lawyer or law student …

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The 4-Step Divorce Mediation Process

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

It’s as easy as 1,2,3… 4!  Okay, okay, divorce mediation isn’t always so “easy” but this document that I created demonstrates the 4 step process. Initial Consultation – this is where an initial consultation agreement and confidentiality agreement is signed and the mediation process is discussed Mediation Period – this could take a bit depending on the complexity of the …

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