Free Webinar: Crop Insurance & Southern Agriculture

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Webinars

The National Agriculture Law Center and Banks Law Firm, PLLC will be having a free webinar on Thursday, June 21, 2012 from 12-1pm ET on crop insurance’s applicability to the agriculture industry in “the south”.  According to the webinar’s description, Harrison Pittman and Grant Ballard will discuss the following: Update on current federal policy debate regarding crop insurance, including unique …

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5 State Approaches for Using Animal Societies to Enforce Animal Cruelty Statutes

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

As I have noted in this blog on several occasions, duly incorporated animal societies in the State of New York have the authority to search and seize livestock.  This article does a nice job illustrating the five state law approaches with using animal societies to enforce livestock animal cruelty laws. Ordinary Rights The majority of states have this approach.  In …

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Upcoming ABA Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Rincker Law Events, Webinars

As part of my new leadership role with the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I have been busy helping plan a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on crop and livestock insurance. This program will lay down the fundamental building blocks for practicing either crop and or livestock insurance law.  Please mark your …

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ABA Agriculture Law Subcommittees

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I noted in this previous post, I am the new Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo and Small Firm’s Division, Agriculture Law Committee.  You can join the Committee and the Discussion List here.  I have restructured the subcommittees as follows: 1. Ag ADR: mediation, arbitration 2. Ag Estate/Succession Planning, Family Law, and Taxation: estate planning,succession …

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What Is The Animal Cruelty Law In Your State?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources

This weekend I discovered that the National Agriculture Law Center has a helpful state-by-state analysis of animal cruelty laws in the United States.  Even though there are several federal statutes that regulate this issue, animal cruelty statutes vary significantly from state-to-state.  It is interesting to pull up the statutes in various states and run a comparison. Though the National Agriculture …

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LLM in Agriculture and Food Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Social Media and Technology

The University of Arkansas, School of Law is now accepting applications for its Masters of Law (“LLM”) program in Agriculture and Food Law.  If you are a 3L or an attorney who is interested in practicing agriculture law, I highly recommend the program.  Through its scholarship program, there is an opportunity to work at the National Agriculture Law Center right …

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