Important Upcoming Compliance Deadlines for Your Business

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Busy small business owners have many tasks on their plates: A significant one is staying on top of important tax and filing deadlines. These important dates may vary depending upon the business’ structure. Here are some of the most critical deadlines business owners may need to meet over the next few months. Federal tax deadlines September 16, 2020 is the …

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It’s Time to Say Goodbye: How to Close Your Business

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The decision to close a business is not to be taken lightly. Although most business owners hope that the process of closing their business will be quick and easy, that is often not the case. Business closures involve complex procedures that require time, energy, and organization. Failure to carefully adhere to these procedures could result in additional expenses and extensive …

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Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs

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Going into business for yourself is a risky endeavor. From investing in goods and services and hiring employees to simply carrying out the daily tasks related to your business, each step is fraught with risks. This is especially true given the litigious nature of our society. As a result, many entrepreneurs employ asset protection strategies. Asset protection is a form …

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Recordkeeping Requirements for Business Owners during COVID-19

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As state leaders attempt to develop guidelines for reopening safely, you may have questions about the requirements for maintaining a safe environment for your business. Specifically, you may be wondering how to document the steps you have taken if someone in your workforce is exposed to COVID-19 and tests positive for the virus. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) …

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More Good News for PPP Borrowers: Simplified Loan Forgiveness Applications

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On June 5, 2020, President Trump signed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (the Flexibility Act) into law, after lawmakers passed it almost unanimously. The original Payment Protection Program (PPP)—a key component of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act signed in March—and the accompanying guidance issued by the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Department of the Treasury, …

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Key Considerations for Managing a Remote Workforce

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The post-COVID-19 world will likely see a major shift toward companies maintaining remote workforces. Due to government-mandated business closures and stay-home orders, many owners and employees of small businesses have been forced to work virtually, and they have seen the benefits. Studies show that remote working increases productivity.[1] Large technology companies like Facebook and Twitter have announced that they will …

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Good News for PPP Borrowers: The New Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020

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The landmark COVID-19 stimulus package, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, has been a significant tool for assisting struggling small businesses during the current international pandemic. However, the centerpiece of this legislation, the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP), has been a source of confusion and frustration for many business owners seeking this aid. In an attempt to alleviate …

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Ask Kym: What are Force Majeure Clauses?

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You may have heard the term “force majeure” being discussed a lot with regard to parties fulfilling their contractual obligations in light of Coronavirus.  Businesses and individuals, alike, are wondering whether force majeure contract clauses will actually hold-up in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many businesses rely on their force majeure clauses regarding “acts of God,” when they have …

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4 Things Business Owners Can Do to Be Too Legit to Quit

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Today’s topic is for fellow entrepreneurs on how to get your corporate formality “ducks in a row” — or what I call becoming too legit to quit! While in quarantine, with extra time available, it’s a great opportunity to assess and improve areas of your operations.  Get started by first conducting a corporate formalities check-up:  Operating agreement: Do you have …

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Retirement Updates Amid COVID-19

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On May 4, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published questions and answers regarding retirement provisions in Section 2202 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. In addition to providing aid for individuals and businesses, the CARES Act increases accessibility to funds and loans from certain retirement plans and accounts. The information the IRS recently published clarifies …

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How to Reopen Your Business After COVID-19

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Despite the uncertainty that has accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic and that still lies ahead, one thing remains certain: Most businesses will eventually reopen. On April 16, 2020, President Trump set forth guidelines for the reopening of businesses in the United States. Additionally, governors from various states continue to roll back statewide stay-home orders in the hopes of restarting economies that …

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Ask Cari: Force Majeure Clauses in Light of COVID-19

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Businesses across the globe have experienced unprecedented interruptions and closures because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, many businesses are finding it difficult to perform their contractual obligations. Consequently,  a common but often overlooked contractual clause is in the limelight: the force majeure clause. Contrary to popular belief, the mere existence of a force majeure clause does not invalidate …

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