My Interview with Texas A & M – Whoop!

Rincker LawAgriculture Education, Interviews, Press

If you recall, I received my Bachelors of Science in Animal Science from Texas A & M University (way back in the day).  I was recently interviewed by Texas A & M University’s (“TAMU”) College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (“COALS”).  You can read my interview here. I’m very proud to be a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2002.  Here in …

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Hey Law Students: Interested in an Animal Ag Short Course?

Rincker LawUncategorized

Are you a law student interested in learning more about agriculture law?  Prof. Linda Chezem from Purdue University’s Department of Youth Development and Agriculture Education, Attorney Beth Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center, Attorney Rusty Rumley from the National Agriculture Law Center and Prof. Drew Kershen from Oklahoma University’s College of Law will co-teach a class titled “Animals in …

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New York State Agriculture Society Meeting in Syracuse

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings

I will be attending the 179th Annual New York State Agriculture Society (“NYSAG”) Meeting & Agriculture Forum in Syracuse, New York on January 6, 2011 at the Holiday Inn.  This year’s theme is “Eat Local/Feed the World – Food Production for the Future.”   It is a timely topic with the momentum of the local food movement in light of a growing world population.   Food …

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