Lawline Presentation: Overview of Common Agriculture Contacts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>   Here is the video of the presentation that I gave to Lawline this past summer on an Overview of Common Agriculture Contracts.  You can download the slides and the presentation materials that go along with this presentation and get Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credits (for you lawyers out there) via Lawline here.  This …

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Overview of Agriculture Production Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

An agriculture production contract is an agreement where a producer agrees to raise a commodity in a manner established by the contractor and to deliver the commodity to the contractor while the contractor agrees to pay the producer in return.  A commodity can include livestock, raw milk, and crops. Livestock may include beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and swine, while …

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Livestock Purchase Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Purchasing livestock can be a complicated process, particularly when it comes to the agreement. Before signing a purchase agreement for livestock, whether commercial or seedstock, there are certain terms that should be included. For commercial livestock purchase agreements, the following terms should be part of agreement: Description of Animals: The type of animal to be purchased and description of the …

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Farm Purchase Agreements

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Making any type of purchase can be a lengthy process and the purchaser should know what he or she is purchasing before signing the agreement. One important aspect of making a land purchase is the inspection. The purchaser should do a physical inspection of the property as well as a legal inspection. For the physical inspection of the property, the …

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Overview of Grazing Leases

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

A grazing lease is an agreement in which a landowner allows a tenant to graze livestock on the landowner’s property. For parties involved in these types of agreements, it is important to specify terms of the lease, which address the landowner and the grazer’s rights and responsibilities. Any type of contract should have basic terms in the contract, including identification …

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Outline Giving Overview Common Agriculture Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

You can download my substantive outline discussing a few of the major contractual issues that affect production agriculture on my JD Supra page here. The outline discusses a myriad of contracts issues including: agriculture production contracts, purchase agreements (for land, livestock and farm equipment), leases (for land, livestock and farm equipment), special contracts (e.g., custom feeding arrangements, embryo transfer contracts, …

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Transcript from Keynote Presentation and Direct Farm Marketing Roundtable

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

Last fall, I had the pleasure of giving the Keynote address at the University of Tennessee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium.  My presentation from my “National Agriculture Law Update” is found here. I was also on a roundtable discussing direct farm marketing.  The presentation materials are found here. Recently, the Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy published …

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My National Overview of Agriculture Law

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

[slideshare id=53657806&doc=powerpoint-keynote-151007171431-lva1-app6892] This presentation was given as the keynote at the Tennessee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium a few weeks ago. It covers a myriad of food and agriculture law topics including Veterinary Feed Directive, Waters of the United States, Syngenta Litigation, GMO Labeling, Country of Origin Labeling, Raw Milk, Food Safety Modernization Act, Idaho’s Ag Gag …

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Using Life Insurance as a Farm Estate Planning Tool

Rincker LawEstate Planning

Life insurance is a way to increase an estate’s value just by paying a monthly premium.  In the case of a farm, the life insurance can be taken out by the parent, or by a child on the life of a parent.  This can help alleviate complications that can arise if certain children wish to take over the farm and …

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7 Important Farm Succession Planning Factors

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Farmland is an important asset that should not be forgotten during estate or business planning. Even if farms will be passed down to future generations, estate planning should ensure that the parents are well taken care of for the remainder of their lives; provide for distribution of assets to descendants or other groups, individuals, or charities. Farm succession planning is …

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My “Ag Gag” Law Presentation Focusing on Preventative Practices for Farms

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

I had the opportunity to speak on “Ag Gag” Legislation this past week before the New York State Bar Association’s Committee on Animals and the Law.  My presentation focused on procedures for farms to help prevent a problem with undercover surveillance from employees.  You can view my presentation below and my handout giving an overview of the laws here. [slideshare id=46222274&doc=aggag-150324092612-conversion-gate01]

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It’s That Time of Year Again… Vote for Me as the Best Livestock Lawyer

Rincker LawAwards and Honors

It’s that time of year again when the Best of the Barns Competition is underway.  Yours truly is up for the Best Livestock Lawyer (Question 22).  Please take a moment to cast your vote!  Thanks for your blog readership and support over the last four years.

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