The Family Business: Hiring and Firing Family Members

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources 2 Comments

I really enjoyed reading the article by Don Tyler titled “Working with Family — Hiring (and Firing) Family Members in this month’s Feedlot magazine (pages 36, 38).  It reminded me of the unique challenges that family businesses must face — whether it is a family farm/ranch or any other type of business.  Intra-family dynamics can seriously affect the day-to-day operations …

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ABA Agriculture Law Subcommittees

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law 1 Comment

As I noted in this previous post, I am the new Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo and Small Firm’s Division, Agriculture Law Committee.  You can join the Committee and the Discussion List here.  I have restructured the subcommittees as follows: 1. Ag ADR: mediation, arbitration 2. Ag Estate/Succession Planning, Family Law, and Taxation: estate planning,succession …

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Saturday Links

Rincker Law Animal Law, Environmental Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

It’s been a busy week.  I have been catching up on my blog feed before heading to the gym.   This is what I found: This month’s Pennsylvania State Agriculture Law Brief has updates on the G-20 Action Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the White House Rural Council. I excitedly received a Google+ invite this week from a respected family law …

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Looking Back: Two-Year Blogging Anniversary

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production, Animal Law, Attorney-Client Relationship, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Press, Property Law, Real Estate Transactions, Rincker Law Events, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Video Blogging, Webinars Leave a Comment

Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog.  It’s been a great ride so far.  Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support. It’s been a busy year indeed.  Over the last year, I am …

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Saturday Links

Rincker Law Links and Online Resources 1 Comment

Had a nice Saturday afternoon catching up on my RSS Feed.  This is what I found: What are your thoughts regarding genetic biodiversity in our food system? The G-20 Agriculture Ministers made an action plan last week to help mitigate hunger & food price volatility around the globe. Let’s take the Taboo out of end-of-life conversations.  We are all going …

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ABA Journal & Blawg Directory

Rincker Law Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology 3 Comments

I have two very exciting announcements today.  First, this month’s  ABA Journal has an article on yours truly!  You can read the full article here. I’m very proud to be one of the few cowgirls in NYC (and I think the only agriculture attorney).  Thank you to all my family, friends, colleagues, support staff, “ag tweeps” and regular blog readers …

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Quit Postponing: NY Health Care Proxy

Rincker Law Estate Planning Leave a Comment

As I have noted in previous “Spring Cleaning” posts on Health Care Proxies and Living Wills, I think spring is the perfect time to look at your estate planning documents on an annual/bi-annual basis to make sure everything is up-to-date.  A few weeks ago, I attended an Article 81 Guardian course for attorneys.  It reminded me how important it is …

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Downtown Lawyers

Rincker Law Uncategorized Leave a Comment

For the last year, I have been a member of the Downtown Lawyers group here in New York City.  It is comprised of attorneys who practice law in New York City in a myriad of practice areas including bankruptcy, estate planning, elder law, business law, personal injury, employment law, immigration, matrimonial law, tax law, landlord-tenant law, intellectual property, criminal law, …

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Monday Links

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Agriculture Production, Farm Life, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

I hope all my readers had a nice weekend.  After a tough workout, I was able to catch-up on my NetNewsWire Google Reader feed yesterday over a warm cup of coffee.  I thought the following posts were worth noting: 1.  I have worked as a legal consultant for the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) of the United Nations in Rome. …

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Sunday Links

Rincker Law Energy Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Links and Online Resources Leave a Comment

Happy May Day!  I have had a great visit in Illinois visiting Lake Land College and family.  Our pastureland grass is lush and green.  Illinois has been hit with a lot of rain this spring.  Dad *hopes* to plant corn next weekend.  Had a nice afternoon catching up on blogs.  Here are a few that caught my eye: 1.  April …

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Monday Links

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

It’s been a long while since my last “links” post so I thought I would post a few links today of posts that caught my eye.  For those of you who are Mac users, I have really loved using NetNewsWire and recently downloaded the application on my iPhone 4.  I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. …

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Speaking on Farm Animal Law Issues at the New Jersey State Bar Association Annual Meeting

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law 3 Comments

You can catch me speaking on “Hot Topics” of farm animal law on May 18th in Atlantic City at the New Jersey State Bar Association (“NJSBA”) Annual Meeting during the session on animal law from 3:30 – 5:30pm.  I am currently planning to speak on farm animal welfare, family/matrimonial law and estate planning issues affecting livestock operations, and the Grain, …

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