Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Equitable Distribution

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law

Equitable distribution (“ED”) is the allocation of the marital estate in a divorce. Importantly, not all states are equitable distribution states; instead, states like Texas and California are community property states. The majority of states are equitable distribution states, but it is important to confirm this with a licensed attorney in the applicable jurisdiction. In way of background, property in …

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Episode 11 of Ag Law Today: Farm Succession Planning

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Hear me speak with the one and only Prof. Shannon Ferrell on one of my favorite topics… passing the farm to the next generation.  It’s on YouTube here.  You can also subscribe on iTunes.

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Depreciation of Farm Assets and Child Support in Illinois

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

Many times clients contact me on a child support matter who own farms and, accordingly, have expensive farm equipment.  Farmers usually take deductions on the depreciation of expensive equipment on their tax returns.  This MAY affect child support, as a trial court has discretion to include nonrecurring income in calculating net income for child support purposes. See In Re Marriage of …

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Overview of Farm Leases

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

For farmers purchasing land is not always an option or the best option for their purpose. In those cases, leasing land may be a better option. For leasing land, there are multiple options: 1. Cash-Rent Leases: A cash rent lease is where the tenant usually pays a fixed dollar amount in rent and it may be modified based on crop …

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Lawline Lecture: Overview of New York Farm Animal Welfare Law

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

Brrrr… There is a blizzard here in New York City right now so I’m blogging away!  I will be Tweeting (@CariRincker) and Snapping (CariRincker) about the NYC snowstorm once I venture outside!  Stay warm… hot chocolate time!  Here is the video for the Lawline presentation that I gave in December regarding livestock animal welfare law in New York.  I first …

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Common Equine Contracts: What They Are, Pitfalls to Avoid, and Ideas for Effective Drafting

Rincker LawWebinars

I will be moderating this upcoming CLE for the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee on December 9th on Common Equine Contracts. I’m super excited to have equine law attorneys Julie Fershtman, Thomas Nicholl, and Avery Chapman on board to present on this very useful topic. We will be discussing the following …

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So What About a Heifer Lease?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Perhaps you have heard about a bull lease – so what about a heifer lease?  Here are a few suggested terms for a heifer lease: 1. Name and address of owner of the heifer (What is the name on the registration paper, if applicable?) 2. Name and address of the lessee (individual or farm name) 3. Name, date of birth, registration number, …

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What to Buy For Your Favorite New York Farmer or Food Entreprenuer

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Happy Black Friday!  After hitting the sales today, I would love for you to consider my book as a potential gift for your favorite New York farmer, agri-business owner or food entrepreneur.  Find it on here.

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North Carolina Farm & Food Law CLE – Contracts

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

I am excited to participate in the North Carolina Farm and Food Law CLE on October 17, 2013 at the North Carolina Bar Center in Cary, North Carolina.  I will be giving an “Overview of Common Agriculture Contracts in North Carolina” including agriculture production contacts, custom feeding arrangements, farm leases, farm machinery agreements, and partnership agreements for farms and food …

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