A trademark is a form of intellectual property that helps distinguish a business’s goods or services from those of others. Trademarks can be words, phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these elements that represent a brand. Trademarks provide legal protection, helping business owners ensure that only they have the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with their …
Strategies for Protecting Your Business’s Intellectual Property
Before launching a business, entrepreneurs spend a substantial amount of time and money researching and developing their products or services. You may have worked with graphic designers and a marketing team to create a brand name and logo for your products or services. As the business grows and your products or services take off in the marketplace, competitors or counterfeiters …
Four Things Business Owners Should Know about Trademark Infringement
Against the backdrop of globalization and the expansion of online business activity, trademark infringement is on the rise. Most elements of business branding—name, logo, design—are readily available online, making it easier for people to knowingly or unknowingly use the intellectual property of others. As a business owner, you must prioritize both protecting your own trademarks and avoiding infringement of others’ …
Legal Issues to Consider Before Selling Products Online
If you are considering expanding your physical business or starting a home-based business, selling your products online is a great way to reach additional customers. Before you begin to sell products online, there are several legal issues you should be aware of to ensure that your business is compliant with the law and that your interests are protected. Business entity. …
Are Your Trade Secrets Really Safe? 4 Steps To Safeguard Your Competitive Edge
A trade secret is a piece of information which is confidential, can be legally protected, and gives your company a competitive edge. Lots of the most famous examples involve recipes: the formula for Coca Cola, McDonald’s Big Mac “secret sauce”, or that Mrs. Field’s chocolate chip cookie recipe that caused such a legal stir in the 90s. But you don’t …
Our First Law Clerk: Behwal Rasul
Behwal A. Rasul is a young attorney licensed to practice law in Pakistan. He did his L.L.B from University of London. After practicing law for a few years, he decided to pursue his studies. In May 2018, he graduated with an LL.M. from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His major interests are corporate law, investment promotion, intellectual property, trade, constitutional …
Video Lecture on Protecting the Food & Agribusiness with NDA’s, Contract Management and Intellectual Property
I gave a presentation a few weeks ago for Lawline titled “Protecting the Agribusiness: Managing Contracts, Trademarks and Non-Disclosure Agreements.” The video and slideshare presentation are posted below but if you are an attorney I suggest getting Continuing Legal Education credit directly from Lawline by registering here. Lawline Presentation: Protecting the Agribusiness- Managing Contracts, Trademarks and Non-Disclosure Agreements from Cari Rincker
Ask Cari: Can I Copyright that Recipe?
Dear Cari, I am writing a cookbook and developing some of my own recipes. Do I have copyright protection with my recipes? Ann. M. Dear Ann: To answer your question, one must first look at what can be copyrighted. Under the U.S. Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 102, copyright applies only to “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible …
Upcoming Ag Law Webinars at Lawline
Save the dates for several upcoming agriculture law webinars at Lawline in Lower Manhattan. I will be giving live presentations available via webcast. The recordings can be viewed afterwards. Each are 1 hour presentations worth 1 Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credit in New York (CLE credits available in other states) Overview of Farm Leases– July 16, 2015 from 3:30pm to …
New York Food and Agriculture Law Book for Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs – Coming Soon!
I’m super excited to announce that I have a New York food and agriculture law book that will be published soon! I co-authored this book with the great Pat Dillon, an Iowa agriculture lawyer who wrote Field Manual: Iowa Farmer’s Guide to Legal Issues. This book is specifically designed to assist New York farmers and food entrepreneurs.
Happy Fourth Year Anniversary to this Blog (and my law practice)
I hope my readers had a great Fourth of July. I just got back from the Berkshires. You can see some of my pictures on Instagram. Back to business.. I had a great first, second, and third anniversary for this blog, but I have to say – Year 4 has been the best. Thank you for support from my blog …
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