Legal Structure of Farmers’ Markets

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Kudos to Erin Kee and Jason Foscolo for co-authoring this substantive article on the the choices of entities for farmers’ markets.  I’m teaching the undergraduate food law course at New York University this semester.  Today, I am lecturing on direct farm marketing and local food law.  Erin and Jason’s article was included in the “recommended reading” for today’s lecture. I …

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Legal Issues Pertaining to Farmers Markets and its “Market Rules”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I had a chance recently to review Prof. Neil Hamilton’s publication titled “Farmers’ Markets:  Rules, Regulations and Opportunities.”  Though it was drafted nearly a decade ago, he does a nice job highlighting legal issues relevant to todays’ farmers markets. As Prof. Hamilton states, it’s important for the farmer to clearly understand the “Market Rules” (or “Statement of Rules”) for each …

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