Counseling the Local Food Movement Part II

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Slideshare Presentations, Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements

Below is the presentation from last night’s webinar “Part II:  Counseling the Local Food Movement” for Lawline.  It was the third presentation in a three part series.  Free Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) credits are available for each one.  I think that Lawline is a worthwhile investment for attorneys – over the weekend I was able to listen to a matrimonial …

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So What Are Some of Your “Food Rules?”

Rincker LawAg Book Club

Hope you have a wonderful Fourth of July!  I just finished Michael Pollan’s book “Food Rules.”  It’s an extremely quick read.  I agreed with some and disagreed with others.  It got me thinking:  what are some of the “food rules” that my readers use? When I interned with the American Simmental Association (“ASA”) in Bozeman, Montana many moons ago, Dr. …

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