Communicating with Your Ex-Spouse During the Pandemic Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult

Rincker LawCo-Parenting, Family/Matrimonial Law

Communicating with your ex-spouse is a challenge at the best of times, but with the pandemic, it’s become more complicated than ever. For some former couples, this has meant an increase in disagreements and out-and-out fights. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. In times of uncertainty, it’s vital to communicate more than ever, manage your expectations, and adapt …

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Preparing Your Business for an Emergency

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

The year 2020 has been a continuous lesson in the need to prepare for the unpredictable. From the pandemic to natural disasters, businesses have faced numerous challenges that could force them to close. The most common emergencies that businesses typically face fall into three categories: Natural disasters such as floods, fires, and earthquakes Medical emergencies such as the current COVID-19 …

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Ask Kym: What are Force Majeure Clauses?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

You may have heard the term “force majeure” being discussed a lot with regard to parties fulfilling their contractual obligations in light of Coronavirus.  Businesses and individuals, alike, are wondering whether force majeure contract clauses will actually hold-up in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many businesses rely on their force majeure clauses regarding “acts of God,” when they have …

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Ask Cari: What are Legal Considerations for my Business during a Pandemic: Responding to COVID-19?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

In a matter of weeks, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world and forced communities to reevaluate everything. Despite the unpredictability that has accompanied this global crisis, it is not too late to implement changes to protect you, your employees, and your business. Here are some tips and strategies to help you navigate these challenges and the ones to come. …

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Ask Kym: How Do I Co-Parent Amidst COVID-19?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In the past few days, we have had numerous calls on this issue.  While there is no clear law as to what rules apply to parenting time and visitation during a pandemic like COVID-19, since this is an unprecedented global health crisis, I wanted to provide some suggestions to our clients and potential clients who co-parent.  Please remember that although …

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