Ask Cari: What Records Do Small Businesses Need to Keep for Taxes?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Tax season is just around the corner, so now is a great time to make sure that you are retaining all the documentation you need to back up the income, deductions, and credits listed on your small business’s tax return. Keeping the proper records is not optional—it is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Recordkeeping System The IRS does …

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What Livestock Producers Should Know About the Veterinary Feed Directive

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements, Webinars

In June 2015, the Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) promulgated the second Veterinary Feed Directive (“VFD”) affecting livestock producers that use medicated feed and water. The final rule became effective in October 2015 transitioning Over-the-Counter (“OTC”) drugs to be VFD through January 1, 2017. This requires veterinarians to have a Veterinary-Client-Patient Relationship (“VCPR”) and use a VFD to prescribe the …

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On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guide for the New York Farmer

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I want to commend the Cornell Small Farms Program for its publication titled “On-Farm Poultry Slaughter Guidelines” (available on its resources page).  I reviewed the guide in its entirety in preparation for the local food CLE that was scheduled at Pace Law School in October (rescheduled for March 13th due to Hurricane Sandy).  I recommend the guide to any farmer …

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