A trademark is a form of intellectual property that helps distinguish a business’s goods or services from those of others. Trademarks can be words, phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these elements that represent a brand. Trademarks provide legal protection, helping business owners ensure that only they have the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with their …
Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs
Going into business for yourself is a risky endeavor. From investing in goods and services and hiring employees to simply carrying out the daily tasks related to your business, each step is fraught with risks. This is especially true given the litigious nature of our society. As a result, many entrepreneurs employ asset protection strategies. Asset protection is a form …
Legal Considerations When Hiring an Intern
As a business owner, you may be considering starting an internship program for your company. Internships can be beneficial to both you as a business owner and the intern. Interns can receive hands-on training in their field of interest while assisting your company in reaching its goals. However, it is important to keep in mind the various legal considerations and …
Community Engagement and the “Good Guy” Escape Hatch
Almost everyone wants to be the good guy. Engaging your business in the local community through volunteerism and charitable giving can have a positive impact both on your business and in your community. The more public-facing your business is and the larger your staff grows, the more opportunities your business will have to be the good guy as employees and …
LLC Management: Who Should Run the Shop?
Determining who will manage the day-to-day affairs of your business is an important decision. You need to know, at the outset, who will manage operations, both for the success of your business and because the Limited Liability Company (LLC) operating agreement demands it. Luckily, LLC operating agreements are very flexible and the management structure can be tailored for your business. …
Ask Cari: What Does “At Will Employment” Mean?
The term “at will employment” may be interpreted many ways by a lay person, but it is actually a legal term meaning that either party (employer or employee) may terminate employment at any time without notice for any reason (with limited exceptions), unless there is a contract stating otherwise. However, a contract may modify that by wording such as “I …
4 Social Media Mistakes that May Put Your Company’s IP at Risk
Being active on social media is hardly a choice anymore for small to medium sized businesses—it’s a given. After all, your customers are there. Connecting with your target audience in the social web can boost your brand and level the playing field between you and big competitors with larger advertising budgets. But before you rush out to tweet a deal …