Discussion on Omnivore’s Dilemma Next Wednesday on Google Wave

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy

I have been reading Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma and thought it would be fun to have an online discussion about it.  If you haven’t started, you have a week so head to the nearest bookstore! I have been playing with the new google wave application and decided to give it a try next Wednesday night for the online discussion.  If …

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Part III: Debrief from NYFB Farm Animal Welfare Conference

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations

At the recent New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) Farm Animal Welfare Conference, Kay Johnson Smith from the Animal Agriculture Alliance was one of the keynote speakers.  I was extremely impressed by her poise and presence.  I love seeing such powerful, articulate women in the forefront of agriculture issues in Washington. The underlying theme of Ms. Smith’s talk was that those …

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YPC Spotlight: Interview with YPC Chair Dustin Dean

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Interviews

As you know, I am very involved with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association‘s (“NCBA”) Young Producers’ Council (“YPC”).  I was able to get our Chair, Dustin Dean, to answer a few questions for me about YPC.   Dustin is from Texas and I have known him since my days at Texas A & M University (when he was attending that other Texas ag …

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Become a Fan of Rincker Law, PLLC on Facebook!

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

Rincker Law, PLLC isn’t just on twitter – the firm just started a fan page on facebook.  You can become a fan here for updates on firm news and events, blog updates, and agriculture law & policy.  Feel free to join the conversation on the discussion board about various agriculture law and policy issues. Even though facebook’s genesis was strictly …

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Farmers’ Markets in the Tri-State Area

Rincker LawUncategorized

Though I love all types of agriculture production and sales, I have always been a fan of farmers’ markets.  Perhaps its because I grew up helping my grandparents shuck fresh corn-on-the-cob, pick pumpkin blossoms, and sell cherry tomatoes to neighbors, but have always felt that farmers’ markets are a great way for the American consumer to reconnect with the amazing …

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Looking for Some Ag Tweeps?

Rincker LawSocial Media and Technology

Good, bad, or indifferent, social media is everywhere. . . especially in the agriculture industry right now.  Mike Haley (a.k.a. @FollowFarmer and @FarmerHaley), a Simmental cattle producer in Ohio, compiled a significant list of all ag-focused tweeps on Twitter here.  Both @CariRincker and @RinckerLaw are on this very expansive list of agriculture folks ranging from livestock producers to agriculture organizations, …

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Dairy Producers’ Blogs to Follow

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Social Media and Technology

Even though I grew-up on a beef cattle farm in Central Illinois, I have always had a strong appreciation for the dairy industry.  I am excited to be back in the Northeast again where the dairy industry is extremely prominent.  New York, for example, is ranked third in the United States for dairy production and the industry contributes more than …

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The Not-So-Simple Definition of “Agriculture Law”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Social Media and Technology

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I recently joined JD Supra where my documents can be found here.  Today, JD Supra featured my profile on its facebook page. I was asked what exactly agriculture law was from an editor in Florida where I did my best to answer her in limited space.  Since I oftentimes receive this question (lately …

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Documents Now Posted to JD Supra

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, International Treaties and UN Organizations, Social Media and Technology

Last week, I opened an account with JD Supra, a online resource allowing attorneys to post articles, court pleadings, and e-books for the general public.  You can find my profile here where you can see either a Word or Portable Document Format (“PDF”) version of a few articles that I have written.  I also uploaded the Food and Agriculture Organization …

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Rincker Law is now on Twitter

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Pubs, Social Media and Technology

Rincker Law has entered Twitterland!  You can follow @RinckerLaw here.  Twitter is newly popular form of micro-blogging and is different than traditional blogs because users are restricted to 140 characters (similar to a text message).  Twitter is a very different than facebook and is a great way to get a condensed version of news and participate in discussions with those …

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