An Overview of State Laws Prohibiting Undercover Video Surveillance

Rincker LawAgriculture Production, Animal Law, Employment Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy 1 Comment

The agriculture community has faced problems with animal welfare organizations using undercover videos that are sensationalizing alleged acts of animal cruelty on livestock operations.  Larger livestock farmers using conventional production practices and concentrated animal feeding operations are at greater risk.  Due to the media attention from these undercover videos, several states have developed legislation aimed to proscribe undercover video surveillance …

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Will be Presenting at the 2012 Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit

Rincker LawUncategorized Leave a Comment

I will be speaking at the 2012 Animal Agriculture Alliance (“AAA”) Stakeholders Summit next month in Washington, D.C. on livestock animal welfare law.  More specifically, I will be presenting on May 3rd  during the “Legal Workshop” part of the program. The title of the presentation is “When Activists Come Calling – Know Your Rights.”  I will give an overview of …

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