6 Divorce Mediation Tips for Successfully Divorcing Your Spouse in Champaign

Rincker Law Alternative Dispute Resolution, Divorce Mediation 1 Comment

You may want to consider divorce mediation if want to avoid a lengthy and expensive divorce. Check out the 6 divorce mediation tips for successfully divorcing your spouse in Champaign. Know the Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that brings together both spouses to come to an agreement. It is designed …

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Selling a Deceased Loved One’s Real Estate: Things You Need to Know

Rincker Law Estate Planning, probate Leave a Comment

After the death of a loved one, such as a parent, there are a variety of tasks that must be handled to wrap up your loved one’s final affairs. Selling your deceased loved one’s real estate is one of the more daunting ones. But before you call a real estate agent, you should take some time to get familiar with …

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What Are the Estate Rights of a Child Born Outside of Marriage?

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Despite the prevailing view, children born to unmarried parents are commonplace. Historically, children in this category were treated poorly by both society and the law. In many cases, they had no right to inherit from either parent. This legal scheme eventually changed and provided means for these children to inherit from their mothers, but rarely their fathers, until the late …

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5 Divorce Triggers that Can Lead to Divorce in Champaign

Rincker Law Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Oftentimes, it is an “event” that leads to a divorce. The five most common divorce triggers are financial stress, infidelity, lack of communication, domestic violence, and growing apart due to different interests/hobbies. Financial Stress Can Drive Couples Apart Across the United States, couples have been finding that their money struggles can cause extreme financial stress that leads to a break-up. …

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What to Know Before Investing in a Small Business

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

With the country emerging from pandemic lockdowns and economic activity beginning to expand, small business owners are optimistic about the future. Supporting local businesses can help them grow and thrive in a post-pandemic economy. But what if you could help a business while also helping yourself? Investing in a small business can be a great way to diversify your assets …

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How to Dissolve a Partnership on Good Terms

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Many business partnerships eventually come to an end. Like other types of relationships, when business partners decide to split up, the process can be amicable or contentious. For personal and professional reasons, dissolving the partnership on good terms is in the best interest of all partners. A smooth split will prevent unnecessary conflict and legal expenses and allow the partners …

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Why Is My Trust So Long?

Rincker Law Estate Planning Leave a Comment

When you met with an attorney a few weeks ago, perhaps all you expected was a simple will. Maybe you thought that, with your situation, the work should be easy and the documents should be few. But now that you have finished working with the attorney, your parting gift is a large binder filled with hundreds of pages. You may …

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Benefits of Having Your Business Donate to Charity

Rincker Law Estate Planning 4 Comments

Giving money to charity might seem counterintuitive to those running a for-profit company. However, it is important to keep in mind that charitable giving can not only make a big difference to the recipients of your generosity, but it can also provide a net gain to your business. In addition to the potential tax advantages of charitable giving, donations have …

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Simultaneous Deaths: What If My Spouse and I Die at the Same Time?

Rincker Law Estate Planning 2 Comments

The chances of a married couple dying in a common accident or within a very short time of one another are probably quite slim. However, it does happen. And it happens frequently enough that most states have laws to address the issue and the problems that can arise from simultaneous deaths. What are these laws, why do we need them, …

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A Champaign Prenup Attorney Explains Why You Should Consider Getting a Prenup Before Marriage

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Prenuptial Agreements Leave a Comment

The months before your wedding are exciting. There’s so much to plan and anticipate, and if you’re wise, you’ll plan for your future well beyond the wedding date. One of the most critical things you can do to protect your future and that of your spouse is to consider a prenup before marriage. Schedule a consultation with a Champaign prenup …

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Myths and Frequently Asked Questions Planning After Landing Your New Job

Rincker Law Employment and Labor Law, Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Myth: When my employer hands me a beneficiary designation form for my employer-provided life insurance policy or gives me the link to complete the form online, it is optional and not a priority. This is false. When you are asked to complete a beneficiary designation form, you need to fill it out as soon as possible. If you were to …

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Athletes: Your Game Is Not the Only Thing That Needs a Winning Strategy

Rincker Law Estate Planning Leave a Comment

In sports, success frequently brings significant monetary compensation. While this is a dream come true for most individuals, it is important to take the right steps to safeguard this hard-earned money. Most people assume that the biggest challenge is spending beyond one’s means. While this can cause many problems, it is not the only issue that athletes need to be …

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