Summer is a popular time for businesses to hire temporary workers. Restaurants, golf clubs, resorts, amusement parks, and other warm-weather entertainment destinations depend on the summer months to boost their bottom line for the entire year. Despite the current labor shortage in some areas, this summer is expected to see a hot labor market as people emerge from pandemic lockdowns …
How to Know if Divorce Mediation is a Good Option for Your Divorce in Champaign
Divorce mediation also known as Alternative Dispute Resolution is the process for settling divorce disputes without litigation and with the assistance of a neutral third party. It involves working together in a cooperative manner that provides the best possible outcome for both parties. Are you wondering if divorce mediation is a good option for your divorce in Champaign? There are …
A Champaign Prenup Attorney Shares Some Situations When a Prenup is Useful
Having a discussion with your future spouse regarding the topic of a prenup can be a difficult one to bring up, but it is essential to protect your future as well as the future children. A Champaign prenup attorney can guide you through the process if you have questions. The best time to explore a prenup is before marriage, so …
What Employers Should Know about Giving Gifts to Employees
In today’s competitive job market, giving gifts and other fringe benefits to employees can be an effective way for employers to show appreciation. But generous employers should understand that most gifts and bonuses—even small ones—have tax implications. Employee gifts must be taxed and included on year-end tax forms unless they qualify as de minimis benefits, are presented as achievement awards, …
What to Do When a Director Resigns
Corporations are required to have a board of directors, which is selected by the shareholders. The board of directors helps govern the corporation, provides advice and counsel, conducts high-level management, elects officers, votes on key decisions, and protects shareholders’ interests. Corporate directors’ service on the board may be subject to term limits, however, a director may decide to resign from …
3 Factors to Consider Before Starting a New Business in Champaign
If you are starting a new business in Champaign, it will require hard work and dedication to make it successful. There are also important considerations to investigate that will help you protect your new business. The good news is that it is possible to protect yourself and your venture when you take a few essential factors into consideration. Perhaps the …
How to Communicate Effectively via Text Messaging During Your Divorce in Champaign
It is extremely important to have effective communication during a divorce and the way you communicate with your spouse will impact the outcome of the divorce. Learning how to communicate effectively via text messaging during your divorce in Champaign can save you time and money in the divorce and mediation process. It can also lead to better results when it …
Noncompete Agreements: How Solid Is Yours?
There are many misconceptions and assumptions regarding the use and effectiveness of noncompete agreements. This is not too surprising considering that judicial enforcement of these agreements is very fact-intensive and situation-specific. There are no bright-line rules to help business owners determine whether a noncompete agreement will be enforceable, so it can be challenging to craft one that will provide maximum …
What You Need to Know Before Starting a Franchise
It has been a tough year for small businesses. Across the country, millions of small businesses have temporarily closed their doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even now, as the pandemic eases and operations begin to pick back up, many small businesses report that they are struggling to fill open positions. But business owners are resilient and creative. Despite the …
How to Determine if Divorce Mediation is a Good Option for Your Divorce in Champaign
Divorce mediation is a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which is the process for settling divorce disputes without litigation and with the assistance of a neutral third party. It involves working together in a cooperative manner that provides the best possible outcome for both parties. Are you wondering if divorce mediation is a good option for your divorce in …
The Importance of Protecting Your Intellectual Property in Illinois
As any innovator or creator knows, protecting your intellectual property is vitally important to your success. Doing so can help ensure that your creations and hard work are protected. The first step in protecting your intellectual property in Illinois is to be informed of the different types of ways you can protect your intellectual property. The next step is to …
The Business of Marriage: Considerations for Married Business Owners
Owning a business can impact every area of a person’s life. The impact is uniquely felt within a marriage. Married business owners must consider the ways in which their marriage may impact their business and vice versa. Failure to think about how these two significant institutions interact can have unforeseen consequences—everything from addressing time management to distribution of liability may …