Ask Cari: What Should I Know About Business Credit?

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For a small business to grow, it is often necessary to borrow money. In fact, the Small Business Administration reports that the inability to obtain funding is one of the main obstacles that prevents small businesses from expanding their operations. To increase your business’s chances of obtaining much-needed funding, it is important to understand and establish business credit. What is …

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Ask Kym: Does my Spouse Have a Duty to Preserve Evidence?

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As if there are not enough things to think about when beginning the divorce process, it is imperative that parties preserve evidence, even when merely the prospect of divorce litigation is present.  Thus, the duty to preserve evidence is triggered when there is probable, likely or reasonably anticipated litigation. See Shimanovsky v. General Motors  Corp. 181 Ill.2d 112, 121 (1998) …

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Ask Stephanie: What are the “Hot” Food Labeling Issues so far in 2020?

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People demand readily available information in all aspects of their lives. So, it is no surprise that consumers demand that same level of information when it comes to their food. Food labels are one of the avenues consumers get information about the food they choose to purchase. Therefore, it is important to understand these labels, what they mean and who …

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Ask Kym: Are there Automatic Orders for an Illinois Divorce?

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A very common thought when the divorce process begins is: what if my spouse empties or our bank account?  Different states have different statues regarding what restraints are “automatic” when a divorce litigation ensues.  Some have very ridged and extensive “automatic orders” or “automatic temporary restraining orders” (a/k/a/ “ATRO’s”), while others do not. Illinois does have an automatic stay for: …

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Ask Cari: What Are the Benefits and Risks of Forming an LLC?

Rincker Law Ask Cari, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

If you have decided to start a business and are researching the available business entity types, you may repeatedly come across the terms “limited liability company” and “LLC,” but you might not understand what this type of entity is or whether it is right for you. A limited liability company (LLC) is a business entity that protects its owners, referred …

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Ask Kym: Factors Illinois Courts May Consider for the Allocation of Pet Responsibility

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After the seminal case of the Marriage of Enders, in 750 ILCS 503(n), Illinois law established the allocation of pet responsibility in divorces.  Here are a few of the factors that a court may consider: Who owns the companion animal; Who pays for the companion animal’s needs; Who takes care of the companion animal’s daily needs; Who walks/plays with the …

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The Personal Guarantee: 5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Reduce Their Liability

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Small businesses make a huge contribution to the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, starting a new business is risky. Lenders view loans to small businesses, particularly start-ups, as among the riskiest they make, particularly when there is little or no credit history or business revenue on which to base their decision. In an effort to lessen their risk, lenders frequently require small …

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Steps to Protect Your Small Business from Non-Paying Customers

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Unfortunately, most businesses must deal with non-paying customers at least occasionally. You can safeguard the time and money you have invested in your small business by taking several steps, both to lessen the likelihood of nonpayment and to obtain the amount owed once a customer has failed to make a timely payment. Be Proactive Screen potential customers in advance. Particularly …

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Ask Cari: Should My Small Business Have a Vacation Policy?

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law Leave a Comment

There is no legal requirement for businesses to offer paid or unpaid vacation time to employees, but it is common knowledge (and common sense) that employees who occasionally take time off are more productive and engaged when they return to work. If you decide to offer vacation time to your employees, a well-drafted vacation policy will help to ensure that …

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Ask Cari: What do I need to Know About Family and Medical Leave as a Small Business Owner?

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Federal law has required certain businesses to offer family and medical leave for decades. An increasing number of states have also enacted or considered passing laws requiring businesses to offer family and medical leave. For small businesses, these laws have distinct pros and cons. This article discusses some of the most important factors small business owners should keep in mind …

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Ask Cari: What Do Employers Need to Know about Noncompetes?

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A small business that has invested substantial resources in developing a product or a customer base could be devastated if its employees then go to work for a competitor down the street or set up their own competing business.  A noncompetition agreement is an important tool that could protect your business from former employees who could otherwise reveal or use …

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Ask Cari: What are Stay Bonus Agreements?

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law, Employment Law Leave a Comment

Do you have certain key employees who help make your family business a success? Keeping those employees may be essential to a successful transition of ownership and management to your children or another new owner when you retire or pass away. A “stay bonus” (also called a retention bonus) is a strategy that is frequently used by large companies during …

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