Ask Cari: What are Legal Issues to Consider Before Hiring?

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Employment and Labor Law

Despite the challenges facing many businesses, some companies are still experiencing growth. If your business is expanding, you may find that it is time for you to make your first hire. As you begin this process, it is critical to note that expansion, while providing a great opportunity to increase productivity and scale, can also expose your business to additional …

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My Path Becoming an Agriculture Lawyer in New York City

Rincker LawAg Extension Education

Last month, I spoke to a group of Texas 4-H kids at a Texas A & M University via Skype about my work as an agriculture lawyer in New York City.  I was asked to share a bit about my path and how I become an agriculture lawyer in the Big Apple.  Here was my response: I grew up on …

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Types of Farm Leases: Cash-Rent vs. Crop-Share

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Business/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law, Landlord-Tenant Law, Property Law

Happy Friday!  Last week, I stumbled across Rusty Rumley’s powerpoint presentation on “Agricultural Contracts and the Leasing of Land.”  Rusty does a great job giving an overview of the building blocks.  He’s a great teacher — he was one of my instructors in this agriculture law course last year— and I suggest looking at his presentation along with other useful …

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Happy Belated Labor Day

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production

I hope all of my readers had a wonderful Labor Day.  I had a great time at the New York State Fair over the weekend with my father.  You can find several of the pictures that I took during the open beef show on my Twitter page (@CariRincker). I always gain a newfound passion for the food industry every time …

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To ACRE or Not to ACRE?

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Food & Ag Organizations

Pursuant to the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-246) (the “2008 Farm Bill”), crop farmers around the county have the option to participate in the Average Crop Revenue Election (“ACRE”) Program or stay with the traditional Direct and Counter-Cyclical (“DCP”) Program. The deadline to elect into the ACRE Program in quickly approaching.  Farmers who wish to elect …

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