Here is a presentation that I did on the topic for an upcoming lecture at Purdue on the topic: Laws that Apply to Agriculture Photographers and Videographers from Cari Rincker
4 Reasons to Consider Changing Your Business Structure
As your small business expands and evolves, it may make sense to consider changing its structure. Many small businesses start out as sole proprietorships or partnerships, with only one or two owners and no employees. Over time, as your business grows and changes, a more complex business structure may become beneficial. There are several key considerations in deciding whether a …
NALC Fact Sheet: Keeping the Farm Business Intact
Oftentimes in a divorce or separation, people assume that assets need to be divided… but that isn’t *always* the case, especially with farm and ranch divorces. Read my Fact Sheet on Keeping the Farm Business Intact with the National Agriculture Law Center here. You can read all of the fact sheets on family law issues with agriculture here.
Family Law Issues in Agriculture: Keeping the Business Intact
Most parties going through a divorce do not consider the option of keeping the farm business intact. Everyone’s brains (including the lawyers’) typically go to dividing the farm/ranch assets, along with its inventory. However, there is another option: keeping the business intact. This has several advantages, especially if this is a multi-generational farm family business. This requires careful planning and …
Family Law Issues with Agriculture: Estate and Succession Planning
It is uncommon for agriculture producers and business owners to consider estate planning and succession planning for their agriculture operation in the midst of a divorce; however, divorcing farm families should consider this while negotiating the division of marital assets. These assets may include the farm or ranch business and its assets. After all, divorce is one of the Big …
Cari Rincker to Speak on Food & Agriculture Law to ECIWAA
Principal Attorney, Cari Rincker, will visit East Central Illinois Women Attorney’s Association (“ECIWAA”) on Tuesday, November 19th at 11:45am and speak about food and agriculture law. She will be at Biaggi’s along with the ECIWAA crew that day. Cari is a proud member of ECIWAA and supports women in the practice of law.
Ag Law Today: Estate Planning While Keeping USDA Federal Farm Programs in Mind
Excited about this episode of Ag Law Today featuring our very own Stephanie Bradley Fryer, our Texas Of Counsel attorney. We are talking farm estate planning and its effects on USDA federal farm programs — a combo discussion that you won’t want to miss. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or iTunes!
Why I Heart Agritourism
I was recently asked to speak about agri-tourism and it made me sit back and think about the benefits of agritourism into our community. A big part of having an agriculture business is the relationship with the communities. Most people with an agricultural business have a passion for it and want to share this with others. People visiting an agritourism …