I was recently approved as a R. 1:40 qualified mediator for the New Jersey Superior Court’s Civil, General Equity and Probate Cases and Civil Presumptive Mediation Program. You can find my profile on the Roster here. I believe that mediation is a great alternative to litigation providing an effective means to reach an amicable solution. I am also available for …
Fridays With Cari – Upcoming Webinar Series
Thanks to Ranch House Designs, there have been a few changes recently to www.rinckerlaw.com. I would like to bring your attention to the new “Events” page located here. Beginning in November, I am starting a new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari” that will focus on a myriad of food and agriculture law issues including New York livestock animal cruelty …
Saturday Links
It’s been a busy week. I have been catching up on my blog feed before heading to the gym. This is what I found: This month’s Pennsylvania State Agriculture Law Brief has updates on the G-20 Action Plan, Hydraulic Fracturing, and the White House Rural Council. I excitedly received a Google+ invite this week from a respected family law …
Looking Back: Two-Year Blogging Anniversary
Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog. It’s been a great ride so far. Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support. It’s been a busy year indeed. Over the last year, I am …
*Suggested* Sale Terms & Conditions
I recently had a conversation with my father regarding the American Simmental Association’s (“ASA”) Suggested Sale Terms and Conditions. There are other livestock breed associations that have similar suggested sale terms. I think it is great that livestock breed associations are giving members some suggested guidelines that memorialize important terms such as choice of law, health requirements, registration, identification, pedigree, …
New York Business Structures
Over the weekend I stumbled across the materials from the First Annual Meeting of New York Agri-Women and reviewed this excellent article titled “Doing Business in New York State: Structures and Strategies” by Bruce L. Anderson, Brian M. Henehan, and Charles J. Sullivan, Esq. Mr. Sullivan spoke on business organizations at the New York Agri-Women’s annual meeting. If you have …
Heading to Nebraska for the AALA Conference
Today I am getting on an airplane from LGA and heading to Omaha, Nebraska for the American Agriculture Law Association‘s (“AALA”) 31st Annual Agriculture Law Symposium. I’m always excited to meet other food and agriculture attorneys. Nebraska is such a great agriculture state. I haven’t been to Omaha for a few years. This year’s conference has an excellent line-up: On …