I am working on a video series on farm estate, business and succession planning. I would like to get a better feel for what is actually happening in this arena in agriculture. I have a quick 26 question survey on the topic and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a few minutes to answer these …
Ag Law Today: Estate Planning While Keeping USDA Federal Farm Programs in Mind
Excited about this episode of Ag Law Today featuring our very own Stephanie Bradley Fryer, our Texas Of Counsel attorney. We are talking farm estate planning and its effects on USDA federal farm programs — a combo discussion that you won’t want to miss. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or iTunes!
Episode 4 of Ag Law Today: Last Will and Testaments
Hear me discuss all things Last Will and Testaments on this week’s Ag Law Today along with Deborah Kaminetzky, who has been a mentor of mine since the infancy of my law practice (you have her to thank for my matrimonial part of my law practice). Listen as Deborah bestows her wisdom to us.
5 Things Every New Mother Needs to Know About Wills
As a new mother, you naturally want to ensure your new baby’s future in every way. For many new mothers, infancy is a time for celebrating new life, and making a will is the last thing on their minds. For others, the process of bringing new life into the world sparks intense feelings of wanting control and needing organization. Regardless …
Farm Estate and Succession Planning
Farm Estate and Succession Planning from Cari Rincker I am excited to be speaking to the Indiana Master Class tonight on farm estate and succession planning. You cannot really talk about farm estate planning without also discussing business planning. To me, all three concepts are intertwined. Here is my powerpoint presentation. I’m passionate about helping farm families through transitions in …
Chair of ABA GP Solo Agriculture Law Committee
For the fifth year in a row, I have been appointed as the Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s (“GP Solo”) Agriculture Law Committee. I am moderating 2 upcoming webinars for the ABA: 1. “Counseling Farmers & Ranchers, Agri-Businesses and Food Entrepreneurs on Insurance” on September 15, 2015 at 1pm ET 2. …