Ask Sam: What is a Trademark?

Cari RinckerTrademarks

A trademark is a form of intellectual property that helps distinguish a business’s goods or services from those of others. Trademarks can be words, phrases, symbols, designs, or a combination of these elements that represent a brand. Trademarks provide legal protection, helping business owners ensure that only they have the exclusive right to use the mark in connection with their …

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FTC Rule Bans Non-Compete Agreements: What Employers Should Do Now

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Business/Commercial Law, General

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) implemented a new final rule prohibiting employers from enforcing non-compete agreements against employees.  A non-compete agreement essentially bans a worker from moving to another employer within the same industry for a set period of time, citing the employer’s privacy and competition concerns.  Non-compete agreements have traditionally restricted employee mobility by preventing workers from joining competing …

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Cari Rincker Joins Illinois State Bar Association Agriculture Law Section Council

Cari RinckerGeneral

At Rincker Law, PLLC, we are thrilled to share that our principal attorney, Cari Rincker, has been appointed to the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) Agriculture Law Section Council. This appointment is a significant milestone, recognizing Cari’s long-standing commitment and expertise in agriculture law—a passion that runs deep throughout her career and life. Cari’s dedication to agriculture is rooted in …

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Ask Cari: How to Protect Your Business from a Data Breach

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Business/Commercial Law, Social Media and Technology, Technology Law

The risk of suffering a data breach has never been higher. Small businesses are three times more likely than larger businesses to be targeted by cybercriminals.[1] The costs of a cyberattack, both in terms of financial and reputational damage, can be devastating to small businesses. Although many business owners are aware of the risks of a cyberattack, they have not …

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Ask Cari: Tips for Selling Your Business to an Outsider

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Business/Commercial Law

You have spent years building your business, but at some point, the time will come for you to sell the company and exit. While many business owners choose to keep the company in the family, that is not always realistic. Family members may not have the interest or skills needed to run the business. In such cases, selling the company …

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Cari Rincker was a Guest on the Inspiring Business Podcast with Mark Bullock

Cari RinckerAgriculture Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Podcasts

I was a guest on Inspiring Business Podcast with Mark Bullock. Tune in for these key takeaways: * Transition from Farm Girl to Lawyer * Balancing Motherhood and a Law Practice * The Billable Mom Podcast * My Work in Mediation and Family Law YouTube: Check out the episode on any of the following platforms: Youtube Website Facebook Business …

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Hear Cari Rincker’s Interview with Pace Law School

Cari RinckerBusiness/Commercial Law, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Interviews, Teaching, Virtual Mediation

What was your path to law school? Did you always want to be a lawyer? When I was a very little girl, I wanted to be a lawyer but the truth was, I didn’t know many lawyers and I didn’t understand what they did. It wasn’t until I lived in Washington D.C. and interned in Capitol Hill in agriculture and …

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Understanding Solar Lease Agreements for Farmers and Ranchers

Cari RinckerAg Law Today, General

Solar energy projects offer farmers and ranchers a unique opportunity to diversify their income streams. However, before diving into a solar lease agreement, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies involved. In this first part of our guide, we will explore key aspects of solar lease agreements that every farmer and rancher should consider. Understanding the Structure of the Agreement Solar …

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Farm Succession and Estate Planning Tips

Cari RinckerBusiness Law, Estate Planning, Food & Ag Law

It was a pleasure to be interviewed for this Syngenta Thrive article speaking on an issue near and dear to my heart- farm succession and estate planning.  You can read more articles in the Thrive magazine here.

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Understanding Land Trusts: Conservation Land Trusts

Cari RinckerFood & Ag Law

While the word “trust” is often used to refer to certain legal instruments in the estate planning world, “land trust” is sometimes instead used to describe a nonprofit organization that holds an interest in land for conservation purposes or for the benefit of a certain community of people.  In this blog, I review the concept of conservation land trusts. What …

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Understanding Land Trusts: Title-Holding Land Trusts

Cari RinckerEstate Planning, Food & Ag Law, Property Law

What is a land trust? The use of the phrase “land trust” can often lead to confusion, as it relates to a few completely distinct concepts.  On the one hand, a land trust may refer to an estate planning tool wherein title to the land is held by a trustee at the owner’s request.  On the other hand, a land …

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Ask Ruth: How do you Terminate an Oral Farm Lease in Illinois?

Cari RinckerFood & Ag Law

For years you and your tenant farmer have been working under an oral agreement regarding the farming of your real property. Now, for whatever reason, you need to terminate that agreement. How do you do this? Under Illinois law, farmland leases are subject to very specific rule. Whether leased on a crop share, livestock share, cash rent, or hybrid basis, …

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