Animal Abuse Registry in Nassau County, New York

Rincker LawAnimal Law

Following in the steps of multiple other counties, Nassau has also passed a statute that requires convicted animal abusers to register with a database. The law requires all persons 18 and older who are convicted of an animal abuse crime to register with the Animal Abuse Registry located with the Nassau County Police Department within five days of conviction or …

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Animal Abuse Registry in Suffolk County

Rincker LawAnimal Law

In 2010, Suffolk County became the first county in New York State to require offenders convicted of animal abuse crimes to register with a database. The law requires that all convicted offenders 18 and older register with the database within five days of being sentenced or being released from incarceration. The law does not apply to juvenile offenders or to …

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My Wine & Vineyard Law Presentation

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements, Wine Law

[slideshare id=54880203&doc=nbiwinepresentation11-8-15-151108170827-lva1-app6891] Really enjoyed presenting on wine law last month via the National Business Institute (NBI).  For those of you who are looking for holiday gift ideas for yours truly, I love wine.  Red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, sake.  I don’t discriminate. The above presentation focuses on permits and licenses.  It also discusses the governmental players, the types of wineries, …

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Did Somebody Say Wine? I’m there… Speaking on Wine Law

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

I will be speaking on winery and vineyard law in Long Island, New York for National Business Institute in the area of wine law on on November 10, 2015 from 9:00am to 4:30pm (long day!) During my part of the presentation, I will be speaking on the following topics: 1) An overview of Federal and New York State wine law; 2) How …

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Overview of the Farm Service Agency and its Farm Loan Programs

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As noted a few weeks ago, I’m currently doing a blog series on government agencies affecting our nation’s food and agriculture system.  I think it’s a helpful exercise to know who the players are and what each agency is does. The Farm Service Agency (“FSA”) reports to the Under Secretary of the Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (“FFAS”) of the …

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Mediator for the New York State Agriculture Mediation Program (NYSAMP)

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution

Since completing the mediation apprenticeship program with the New York Peace Institute, my Community Dispute Resolution Center (“CDRC”) in Manhattan and Brooklyn, I have been admitted to the roster of mediators for the New York State Agriculture Mediation Program (“NYSAMP”).  NYSAMP works with the CDRC’s in each country throughout New York to provide free mediation services for the New York …

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New York Sanitation Requirements for Direct Marketing of Food Products

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets (“NYSDAM”) has sanitation requirements for the direct marketing of food products.  Pursuant to Article 17, NYSDAM regulates the food sanitary conditions of “retail food stores.”  Said “retail food stores” do not include roadside stands, on-farm outlets, and farmers’ markets.  Even though farmers participating in these methods are still subject to inspection, if …

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Local Food Law CLE at Pace Law School Rescheduled for Spring

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

The Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) seminar  at Pace Law School giving a “Survey of Local Food Law” in New York has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2013.  It was originally scheduled for October 29th — the day Hurricane Sandy decided to pay a visit to the East Coast. I hope that you will plan to attend the adjourned spring …

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New York Office of Community Gardens

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

While reading this publication, I was reminded about the New York Office of Community Gardens with the NYS Department of Agriculture & Markets.  Pursuant to NY Ag & Mkts Article 2-C, Section 31-h, the duties of the office are as follows: (1)  identify vacant public land suitable for community gardens; (2)  coordinate interested community groups with appropriate state or local …

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Business Sponsor of New York Agri-Women Conference in New York City

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations

Happy Columbus Day!  Rincker Law, PLLC is the proud business sponsor of the New York Agri-Women event in Greenpoint, Brooklyn on Tuesday, October 23, 2012.  The day is bookended with tours of two prominent rooftop farms in New York City including Brooklyn Grange and Eagle Street Farm.  The group will also tour Anarchy in a Jar’s Jam Facility in Brooklyn. …

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Ask Cari: “Can I Leave the Marital Home Before the Divorce is Commenced?”

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I am frequently asked this question during divorce consultations.  There is a fear out there due to the law of abandonment that a spouse will hurt his/her legal position in a divorce if he/she vacates the marital home before the divorce is commenced. “Actual abandonment” is still a ground for divorce in the state of New York; however, the departure …

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New York Law on “Cottage Food Operations” (or Home Processed Food)

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

One of the several topics that I will be covering on October 29th at this seminar at Pace Law School will be New York Cottage Food Operation Law (i.e., Home Processed Food or Home-Based Kitchens).  I want to stress that the seminar is open to the general public (only $15) so I highly encourage my readers in New York to …

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