The Personal Guarantee: 5 Ways Small Business Owners Can Reduce Their Liability

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Small businesses make a huge contribution to the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, starting a new business is risky. Lenders view loans to small businesses, particularly start-ups, as among the riskiest they make, particularly when there is little or no credit history or business revenue on which to base their decision. In an effort to lessen their risk, lenders frequently require small …

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Steps to Protect Your Small Business from Non-Paying Customers

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Unfortunately, most businesses must deal with non-paying customers at least occasionally. You can safeguard the time and money you have invested in your small business by taking several steps, both to lessen the likelihood of nonpayment and to obtain the amount owed once a customer has failed to make a timely payment. Be Proactive Screen potential customers in advance. Particularly …

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Ask Cari: Should My Small Business Have a Vacation Policy?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law

There is no legal requirement for businesses to offer paid or unpaid vacation time to employees, but it is common knowledge (and common sense) that employees who occasionally take time off are more productive and engaged when they return to work. If you decide to offer vacation time to your employees, a well-drafted vacation policy will help to ensure that …

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Ask Cari: What do I need to Know About Family and Medical Leave as a Small Business Owner?

Rincker LawEmployment and Labor Law

Federal law has required certain businesses to offer family and medical leave for decades. An increasing number of states have also enacted or considered passing laws requiring businesses to offer family and medical leave. For small businesses, these laws have distinct pros and cons. This article discusses some of the most important factors small business owners should keep in mind …

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Ask Cari: What Do Employers Need to Know about Noncompetes?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

A small business that has invested substantial resources in developing a product or a customer base could be devastated if its employees then go to work for a competitor down the street or set up their own competing business.  A noncompetition agreement is an important tool that could protect your business from former employees who could otherwise reveal or use …

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Attracting Stellar Employees for Your Small Business

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment Law

The economy is booming, which is excellent news for small businesses, right? In general, it is great news for all businesses. However, it also presents some challenges, particularly for small businesses. According to the June 2019 National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) Jobs Report, small business owners identified the difficulty of finding qualified employees as their single most important business …

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Ask Cari: What Do I Need To Know About Hiring “Virtual” Workers for Your Small Business?

Rincker LawUncategorized

As a small business owner, you may be considering using virtual workers to expand your workforce. A virtual worker is an employee who uses technology to complete their duties outside of the traditional workplace setting. Many businesses today find this workforce model quite attractive for several reasons. For one, having a virtual business work model allows employers to reduce the …

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Ask Cari: How do I Legally Terminate an Employee?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment and Labor Law

Most small business owners will occasionally have to face the unpleasant task of firing an employee. Small businesses, in particular, rely heavily on each employee. An underperforming employee may not only lower the morale of other employees who have to pick up the slack, but may also jeopardize the success of the business.  When an employee must be terminated, it …

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Ask Cari: Can my Small Business Write Off Bad Debts?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Despite your best efforts to work only with customers or clients you believe will pay for the goods or services your business provides and to diligently collect delinquent amounts owed, you will almost inevitably have to deal with bad debts on occasion. In some circumstances, the IRS allows you to take a bad debt deduction. What Is Considered a Business …

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DIY Legal: The Hidden Cost for Your Business

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Information is instantaneously available due to the rise of the internet. Additionally, many services that were not available in the past, including do-it-yourself (DIY) legal forms also exist. As a result, it is tempting to think that the forms provided by these DIY services can be a low-cost substitute for the services of an attorney. The reality is business owners …

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Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Business

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law

Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses, and small businesses are not immune from the threats posed by cybercriminals. Don’t be complacent because your business is small: Almost half of all cyberattacks in the U.S. are directed at small businesses. In recognition of this serious problem, in August 2018, President Trump signed into law the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act, …

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Does an Employee Handbook Create a Contractual Obligation?

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Employment Law

Every business with at least one employee should have an employee handbook, sometimes also called an employee manual or code of conduct, setting out the company’s policies and rules and the laws applicable to the employment relationship. It establishes the expectations in the relationship and enables employers to deal with similar situations consistently. Typically, employers do not intend for the …

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