My Interview with Texas A & M – Whoop!

Rincker LawAgriculture Education, Interviews, Press

If you recall, I received my Bachelors of Science in Animal Science from Texas A & M University (way back in the day).  I was recently interviewed by Texas A & M University’s (“TAMU”) College of Agriculture & Life Sciences (“COALS”).  You can read my interview here. I’m very proud to be a Fightin’ Texas Aggie Class of 2002.  Here in …

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“Shared Challenges, United Goals”

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Speaking Engagements

I will be presenting tomorrow evening during the New York Agri-Women Annual Meeting on the “Shared Challenges” and “United Goals” of women involved in the New York agriculture industry.  I am oftentimes reminded on how divided the agriculture industry can be.  It’s not Big Ag vs. Small Ag.  Local Ag vs. Conventional Ag.  Organic Food vs. Food Inc.  We are …

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Save The Date: Local Food Law CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy

With my work as the Chair of the ABA General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I will be moderating a local food law CLE on May 10, 2012 from 2-4pm.  The purpose of this CLE webinar is to give the practitioner the tools necessary to properly counsel various segments of the local food movement.  You do …

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What Happens in Mediation Stays in Mediation

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution

Because of my work on the Rule 1:40-12 Roster of Civil, General Equity and Probate Action Mediators in New Jersey (and recent mediation training in New York), I was reviewing the New Jersey Uniform Mediation Act this week.  I wanted to stress something to my readers that may or may not be clear:  (almost) everything that happens during mediation is …

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In My Mailbox…

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

I received a card today from a family law client saying: “Thank you for standing by me and my family. God Bless you.” Moments like that somehow make everything worth it. Lesson learned: thank your lawyer.  He/she works hard for you.

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Taking a Moment to Tout the New York Peace Institute

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution

Each time I fly over New York City, I’m reminded how many people really live here.  I’m just one little light in this big ol’ city full of millions of little lights.  It’s quite beautiful to me, actually.  However, when so many people live in a densely populated area, there are bound to be a few disagreements.  That is where …

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Overheard at a Bar on the Upper West Side

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Food & Ag Law

Last night, I was having dinner at a bar on the Upper West Side.  I couldn’t help but overhear a conversation from the table next to me.  The gentlemen were (civilly) discussing a business partnership that had gone bad.  They had a “handshake” deal that started out with great dreams together (“You used to say ‘our’ and ‘we.’”) and somehow …

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My Top 10 Law Blawgs in the Top 100 List (Drumroll please….)

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Social Media and Technology

To piggy back on this post announcing that this blog made the ABA Journal Top 100 Blawg List, I thought it would be appropriate to list a few of my favorites.  Here are my top 10 (in no particular order): 1.  Equine Law Blog – Alison Rowe, a fellow agriculture attorney, is an exceptional writer and brilliant equine lawyer in …

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Deadline to Apply to the National Beef Speakers Bureau Quickly Approaching

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Agriculture Education, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

Happy Sunday.  I wanted to alert my readers on a deadline that right around the corner.  The American National Cattlewomen, Inc. (“ANCW”) is currently taking applications for the National Beef Speakers Bureau (“NBSB”) through December 15, 2011.  You can find the application here.  Last year was the first year for the program.  With the help of cattlewomen from coast to …

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“Fridays with Cari” Webinar Series Kicks Off Today

Rincker LawBusiness/Commercial Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Intellectual Property, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Trademarks, Webinars

I’m excited for my new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari.”  I will be discussing a variety of agriculture issues with my Friday webinar series ranging from livestock animal cruelty law to estate planning.  I believe that legal information should be affordable for everyone in the food and agriculture industry and I hope that my webinars will be educational to …

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Fridays With Cari – Upcoming Webinar Series

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Animal Law, Estate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Rincker Law Events, Social Media and Technology, Webinars

Thanks to Ranch House Designs, there have been a few changes recently to  I would like to bring your attention to the new “Events” page located here. Beginning in November, I am starting a new webinar series titled “Fridays with Cari” that will focus on a myriad of food and agriculture law issues including New York livestock animal cruelty …

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Happy Belated Labor Day

Rincker LawAg Extension Education, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production

I hope all of my readers had a wonderful Labor Day.  I had a great time at the New York State Fair over the weekend with my father.  You can find several of the pictures that I took during the open beef show on my Twitter page (@CariRincker). I always gain a newfound passion for the food industry every time …

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