Upcoming ABA Crop & Livestock Insurance CLE

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Rincker Law Events, Webinars

As part of my new leadership role with the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s Agriculture Law Committee, I have been busy helping plan a Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar on crop and livestock insurance. This program will lay down the fundamental building blocks for practicing either crop and or livestock insurance law.  Please mark your …

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Will Be Speaking on Farm/Ranch Partnerships at the AALA Symposium

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Rincker Law Events

I will be a panelist speaking on partnerships on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) 32nd Annual Agriculture Law Symposium in Austin, Texas.  The name of the session is “Partnerships:  The Neglected, The Disaster and The Desirable Plan.”  We will be talking about partnerships with farms, ranches and agri-businesses. The moderator for the session is …

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ABA Agriculture Law Subcommittees

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I noted in this previous post, I am the new Chair of the American Bar Association (“ABA”), General Practice, Solo and Small Firm’s Division, Agriculture Law Committee.  You can join the Committee and the Discussion List here.  I have restructured the subcommittees as follows: 1. Ag ADR: mediation, arbitration 2. Ag Estate/Succession Planning, Family Law, and Taxation: estate planning,succession …

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What Is The Animal Cruelty Law In Your State?

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources

This weekend I discovered that the National Agriculture Law Center has a helpful state-by-state analysis of animal cruelty laws in the United States.  Even though there are several federal statutes that regulate this issue, animal cruelty statutes vary significantly from state-to-state.  It is interesting to pull up the statutes in various states and run a comparison. Though the National Agriculture …

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Looking Back: Two-Year Blogging Anniversary

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Agriculture Production, Animal Law, Attorney-Client Relationship, Awards and Honors, Conferences and Meetings, Energy Law, Environmental Law, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Life, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Press, Property Law, Real Estate Transactions, Rincker Law Events, Seminars, Social Media and Technology, Video Blogging, Webinars

Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog.  It’s been a great ride so far.  Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support. It’s been a busy year indeed.  Over the last year, I am …

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More Than a Handshake – Embryo Transfer Contracts For The Livestock Industry

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law, Journalism services, Rincker Law services

Happy Fourth of July from NYC! I posted two articles on JD Supra regarding why the beef industry (and the livestock industry) needs to have written embryo transfer contracts. As an aside, I have been contacted several times over the last year about whether I charge for articles or a regular monthly column.  I write when I have time.  If …

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Approaching Wedding Season: Is a Prenuptial Agreement Prudent for Your Agriculture Business?

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

For those of you who missed it, in this previous post last fall I discussed why I thought prenuptial (“prenups”) agreements were “romantic.”  Last night, I came across this Fact Sheet by Chris Zoller and David Marrison from The Ohio State University Extension Office discussing prenuptial agreements for farms.  The Fact Sheet properly states that “[f]arm and agriculture businesses often …

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