Required Documentation for a Bonded Wine Cellar

Rincker LawWine & Vineyard Law

This presentation on wine and vineyard law was given to the National Business Institute (NBI) last fall. Below is an except from the presentation’s materials found here.  The entire lecture from the day-long educational conference can be ordered from NBI here. Under federal law, each type of winery has its own set of documents that must be submitted to the …

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Required Documentation for a “Stand Alone” Bonded Winery

Rincker LawWine & Vineyard Law

This presentation on wine and vineyard law was given to the National Business Institute (NBI) last fall.  Below is an except from the presentation’s materials found here.   Under federal law, each type of winery has its own set of documents that must be submitted to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) for a permit to operate …

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How New York State Regulates Wine Law

Rincker LawWine Law

The wine industry is regulated by the federal government and the individual states.  State wine law can vary drastically from state to state.  Each state has its own unique set of laws governing winemaking.  In New York, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (“ABC”) governs licenses and regulations within New York State (“NYS”).    The New York State Liquor Authority is the …

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My Wine & Vineyard Law Presentation

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements, Wine Law

[slideshare id=54880203&doc=nbiwinepresentation11-8-15-151108170827-lva1-app6891] Really enjoyed presenting on wine law last month via the National Business Institute (NBI).  For those of you who are looking for holiday gift ideas for yours truly, I love wine.  Red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, sake.  I don’t discriminate. The above presentation focuses on permits and licenses.  It also discusses the governmental players, the types of wineries, …

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How Wine is Regulated by the Federal Government

Rincker LawWine Law

If someone is thinking about entering the wine industry world, one should be familiar with how the federal government regulates this industry.  The wine industry, and the alcohol industry as a whole, is highly regulated by both the federal government and individual states.  This is because the government sees being a part of this industry as a privilege, not a …

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Did Somebody Say Wine? I’m there… Speaking on Wine Law

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Seminars, Speaking Engagements

I will be speaking on winery and vineyard law in Long Island, New York for National Business Institute in the area of wine law on on November 10, 2015 from 9:00am to 4:30pm (long day!) During my part of the presentation, I will be speaking on the following topics: 1) An overview of Federal and New York State wine law; 2) How …

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