I am Thankful for… My Agricultural Roots

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Farm Life Leave a Comment

I hope all my readers had a nice Thanksgiving holiday filled with good food, good friends & family and good memories.  Thanksgiving is easily one of my favorite holidays of the year.  I hope all my readers remembered to give #foodthanks to the people who toil the land and made our Thanksgiving meal (and every other meal) possible. This past …

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Questions Farmers Should Ask When Reading Farmers’ Market Rules

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

As noted in my last post, I have enjoyed reading Prof. Neil Hamilton’s publication titled “Farmers’ Markets:  Rules, Regulations and Opportunities.”  He includes a nice list of questions for farmers/vendors to ask themselves when reviewing the Market Rules for a particular farmers’ market which include: (1) Who sponsors the farmers’ market? (2) How long as the farmers’ market been established? …

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Legal Issues Pertaining to Farmers Markets and its “Market Rules”

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I had a chance recently to review Prof. Neil Hamilton’s publication titled “Farmers’ Markets:  Rules, Regulations and Opportunities.”  Though it was drafted nearly a decade ago, he does a nice job highlighting legal issues relevant to todays’ farmers markets. As Prof. Hamilton states, it’s important for the farmer to clearly understand the “Market Rules” (or “Statement of Rules”) for each …

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How to Get LinkedIn– Social Media Guide for Beef Producers

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With efforts spearheaded by Jena Swanson, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s (“NCBA”) Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”) has authored another social media guide for young beef producers concentrating on LinkedIn.  Other authors of the guide include myself, Jesse Bussard, Brandi Buzzard and Katy Starr.  This particular guide can be helpful for folks in other segments in the agriculture industry as well …

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Local Food Law CLE at Pace Law School Rescheduled for Spring

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

The Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) seminar  at Pace Law School giving a “Survey of Local Food Law” in New York has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 13, 2013.  It was originally scheduled for October 29th — the day Hurricane Sandy decided to pay a visit to the East Coast. I hope that you will plan to attend the adjourned spring …

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Land Use Tools for Promoting Urban & Suburban Agriculture

Rincker Law Land Use & Zoning Law, Property Law, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

According to Dean Patricia Salkin in American Bar Association’s “Counseling the Local Food Movement” (May 2012), the following zoning tools can be used to promote small-scale agriculture production within city limits: Comprehensive Plans. This is the over-arching plan upon which land use regulations are adopted.  It is important that the comprehensive plan itself emphasize the importance of small-scale commercial agriculture …

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Succession Planning for the Family Farm

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A few months ago, Feedstuffs magazine published an interesting article by Rod Smith discussing the obstacles that young farmers face.  It reminded me of the importance of succession planning for the family farm. “More than a third of U.S. farmers are 65 years old or older, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture” — a statistic that many of us …

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I Need Your Votes in the Best of the Barns Competition for “Best Livestock Lawyer”

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It’s that time of year again when I asked my beloved readers to take a moment and show their support.  Ranch House Designs, Inc. is having its annual Best of the Barns Competition and I have been nominated as the “Best Livestock Lawyer” (Question 18).  Voting closes on the 30th of the month (one vote per email address).  Last year …

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Ask Cari: “When Can I Obtain an Order of Protection in NY Family Court?”

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law Leave a Comment

Family Court and Supreme Court has concurrent jurisdiction on family offenses.  An indigent person may receive court-appointed representation in Family Court if they are under a certain income threshold.  Family Offenses are crimes; therefore, Criminal Court also has jurisdiction over family offenses. In order for one party to bring a family offense petition in Family Court, one of the following …

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Join the Convo: U.S. Farmers and Rancher Alliance’s Food Dialogues

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Food & Ag Policy, New York City, Social Media and Technology, Video Conferencing Leave a Comment

Happy Halloween!  The U.S. Farmers and Rancher Alliance will be hosting another Food Dialogues on November 15th in New York City starting at 8am ET.  The event will be streamed live and you can also participate via WebEx. There are some great panels regarding the impact on the media on consumer choices, antibiotics in food, and biotechnology/GMO’s.  You can find …

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My Presentation at AALA Regarding My Technology Choices in My Law Practice

Rincker Law Social Media and Technology, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

I spoke at the American Agriculture Law Association‘s (“AALA”) Annual Agriculture Law Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee on my own technology choices in my law practice  You can view my presentation below. [slideshare id=14673383&doc=mytechnologychoicesinmyaglawpractice-121010142927-phpapp01] In case you missed it, this article in the American Bar Association (“ABA”) GP Solo magazine gives a brief overview of my technology choices. Share this Article

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Difference Between Owning Property at Death as Tenancy in Common or Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship

Rincker Law Estate Planning Leave a Comment

I’ve enjoyed reading this book by Neil Harl on farm and estate planning.  Harl does a nice job illustrating the difference in holding property at death in Tenancy in Common vs. Joint Tenancy (with rights of survivorship). Harl explains (page 22), “[a]t death of a tenant in common, that individual’s undivided interest passes to that individual’s heirs under state law …

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