AAW Spotlight: Interview with Marie Bowers

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

As I noted last week, I have been posting interviews with fellow participants at the 2010 American Agri-Women (“AAW”) – Syngenta “Leadership At Its Best” Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina.  Today’s interview is with Oregan farm girl (and fellow “ag tweep“) Marie Bowers. 1.  Please explain your connection to the agriculture industry. I am a fifth generation member of a …

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Monday Links

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Social Media and Technology 2 Comments

It’s been a long time since I have posted a blog full of links to the work of other agriculture and legal bloggers — I have had a very hectic spring.  It’s a beautiful day here New York City.  Having some quality time with my coffee and catching up on blogs via Google Reader this morning and then taking a long walk/run around …

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Book Discussion on “A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy”

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Food & Ag Law, Social Media and Technology 1 Comment

Thank you to all of you who participated in the last book discussion on Foer’s “Eating Animals.”  The discussion is still up on Google Wave if you just finished the book and want to join the conversation.  The next agriculture book discussion will be on Wesley’s J. Smith’s “A Rat Is a Pig Is a Dog Is a Boy:  The …

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AAW Spotlight: Interview with Lisa Condon

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

Today’s American Agri-Women (“AAW”) spotlight interview is with Lisa Condon, a dairy women from Wisconsin. 1.  Please explain your connection to the agriculture industry. I married my husband, Bob, a dairy farmer in 1984 and we began to build a business together.  I was raised in the country but not on a farm.  We purchased the cattle (44 head) and …

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AAW Spotlight: Interview With Jannell Lagein

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Interviews Leave a Comment

As I noted on Monday, I completed the American Agri-Women – Syngenta “Leadership At Its Best” Conference in Greensboro, North Carolina and I am posting interviews with other participants in the conference.  Today’s interview is with the North Dakota firecracker (and ranch wife) Jannell Lagein. 1.  Please explain your connection ot the agriculture industry. I was born and rased on a …

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AAW Spotlight: Interview with Mary Meinhart

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy 2 Comments

If you recall, last fall I did several interviews with several other members of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Young Producers’ Council (“YPC”) leadership board.  In case you missed it, you can go back and read the interviews with Brandon Carlson, Dustin Dean, Holly Foster (Part I and Part II), and Ben Neale.  I am still on the YPC leadership …

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AAW-Syngenta “Leadership At Its Best” Conference

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy 1 Comment

I spent last week in Greensboro, North Carolina at the American Agri-Women (“AAW”) – Syngenta “Leadership At Its Best” Conference.  It was a great week and I had a nice time getting to know other AAW members.  I was invited to participate on behalf of New York Agri-Women.  Female leadership in the agriculture industry is so important.  If you don’t …

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American Agri-Women Speak Out on Food Inc.

Rincker Law Food & Ag Organizations 1 Comment

Big thanks to all of you who participated in the online discussion a few weeks ago on the movie Food Inc.  I still have the discussion available on Google Wave for those of you who just watched the movie and would like to share your views.  I believe that discussing these types of movies and books criticizing modern agriculture is …

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Spring Cleaning: Living Wills

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Hopefully all of you timely filed your tax returns by April 15th.  As I noted in this blog, I think a review of your estate plan is a great thing to do each year after tax season to help establish an annual routine.  A few weeks ago I gave a general overview of health proxies.  When you are reviewing your documents this spring …

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Discussion on “Eating Animals” Will Be on Google Wave

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Ag-vocacy 4 Comments

I previously noted that the book discussion on Eating Animals will be on Skype on April 28th; however, Skype does not have video conference cababilities for several people (only audio).  Therefore, I will continue to host the book discussion on Google Wave.  I have recently joined the Skype world – my username is Cari.Rincker.  I look forward to experimenting with Skype for video …

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YPC’s Public Relations Task Force Subcommittees

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology 5 Comments

As I said in this blog, I am the Public Relations Chair for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Young Producers’ Council (“YPC”).  Last month we had a conference call with folks interested in being on the committee.  I wanted to update those of you who were not able to make the call but are interested in digging in and getting …

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Back from the Finger Lakes Wine Tour with New York Agri-Women

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology 2 Comments

I am back from the New York Agri-Women (@NYAgriWomen) Finger Lakes Wine Tour at Fox Run Vineyards in Penn Yan, New York.  Had a great weekend up in the Finger Lakes exploring the countryside and meeting New York women involved with the agriculture industry.  I am continually amazed on the diversity of New York agriculture.  We got a tour of Fox Run Vineyards and enjoyed …

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