AAW Currently Having Mid-Year Meeting in Denver

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Food & Ag Pubs, Social Media and Technology Leave a Comment

Women involved in the agriculture industry from coast-to-coast are gathered in Denver, Colorado today for the Mid-Year Meeting of the American Agri-Women (“AAW”).  I was hoping that I would be able to break away for the conference (and some time for fresh air in the mountains); unfortunately my caseload is keeping me here in NYC.  After reviewing the agenda, I am …

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NYSBA Animal Law Pamphlet Available Online

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The New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) Committee on Animals and the Law (“CAL”) has developed a helpful pamphlet summarizing New York animal law (including both farm animal and companion animal law).  It is available online here.  In addition to farm animal cruelty statutes previously discussed on this blog, the pamphlet shines light on two companion animal laws here in New …

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“Farmers Fight… Farmers Fight…”

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy 1 Comment

“Fight! Fight! Farmers, Farmers Fight!” If you have ever been to a Texas A & M football game, you have most likely heard this “yell” followed by a “Whooop!” (Please note that Aggies don’t “cheer”- we have “yell” leaders in Aggieland).  If you didn’t know, I’m a proud Fightin’ Texas Aggie and have very fond memories saying this yell while watching the Ags play …

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New York Agri-Women To Host Reception and Tours in NYC June 16-18th

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology 4 Comments

I’m very excited to announce details of the first annual reception and New York agriculture spotlight hosted by the New York Agri-Women on June 16-18th.  Several representatives from the national organization American Agri-Women (“AAW”) (@Women4Ag) will be zippng up to NYC after their annual legislative efforts on Capitol Hill.  New York Agri-Women is the new state affiliate of AWW and we’re …

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Spring Cleaning: Do You Have a Health Care Proxy?

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law 2 Comments

As I stated in this blog, I think it is important to make reviewing your own estate plan an annual tradition (I previously suggested to do it each spring right after you file your taxes).  When you review your documents, make sure you have a properly executed health proxy.  If you don’t have one then this spring is the perfect time to make sure it’s …

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New York Agri-Women To Host Finger Lakes Wine Tour

Rincker Law Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations 1 Comment

The New York Agri-Women, a new state affiliate of American Agri-Women, will be hosting a wine tour on April 17th at the Fox Run Vineyards located at 670 Route 14 in Penn Yan, New York.  New York Agri-Women will be meeting around 11:30 am that day in the cafe and will tour the vineyard at noon.  There will be a wine tasting at 12:45pm.  …

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Discussion on the Book “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Social Media and Technology 3 Comments

The post office finally delivered my copy of Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer.  I ordered it last week on Amazon so I am now ready to start reading.  I have been pushing off reading this book because I knew it would be a “tough read.”  However, I believe that it is very important for the agriculture industry to read …

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When Is The Last Time You Reviewed Your Estate Plan?

Rincker Law Food & Ag Organizations 3 Comments

I read a great article in the Agriculture Law Update from the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) by Kevin Alerding, Esq., a Partner at Ice Miller, LLP in Indianapolis, Indiana, about reviewing estate plans.  Alerding recommends that folks review their estate plan once a year.  I think this is good advice so it becomes part of your regular routine.  Perhaps after you …

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Need an Excuse to Finally Watch Food Inc.?

Rincker Law Ag Book Club, Social Media and Technology 7 Comments

I admit that I have been proscrastinating myself- afterall, it will just be another movie that will misrepresent modern agriculture.  However, as I have said time and time again on this blog I think it is important for those involved in the agriculture to watch movies like Food Inc. and read books by Michael Pollan and Jonathan Foer (just to …

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New York Animal Law Webcast Available Online

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As some of my readers might recall, I am on the Committee on Animal Law (“CAL”) for the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”). The webcast from the CAL annual meeting is now available online.   If an attorney would like to recieve MCLE credit, NYSBA members can pay $75 and nonmembers can pay $125.  There are also materials available for download online from …

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Investigations By Non-Police Officers for Animal Abuse: Has Your Livestock Operation Developed a Plan?

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law, Social Media and Technology 1 Comment

Over the last six months, I have been blogging a lot about livestock animal welfare issues.  Last month, I wrote this blog that contained a checklist for New York livestock producers when they are confronted by a peace officer that wants to investigate their property for animal abuse.  Today I posted this article on JD Supra that describes in more …

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Simmental Reading Part 2: Abuse in Show Industry

Rincker Law Ag-vocacy, Food & Ag Pubs 4 Comments

Yesterday, I noted how much I enjoyed this article in January’s SimTalk.  I also recommend reading Marty Ropp’s article titled “Winning At Any Cost?” in the Register published this month.  In this article, Marty mentioned the abuses that take place in the show livestock industry.  Specifically, he stated that “the use of illegal drugs on livestock, inhumane practices such as cosmetic surgeries …

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